any input wanted, please


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As some of you guys know one of my neighbors was given tons of deer tags because they were eating his pine trees that he sells during christmas. we have a pinetree farm too and are qualified to get the same tags.

so here is the thing, I dont want to shoot bucks wile they are still growing there racks but it has always been my dream to shoot a nice velvet buck, and we have been seeing big ones a lot on my land.

so here is the question, should I get some tags in mid-late august to get the velvet buck I have always wanted? or does this seem like something that does not show good hunting ethics/ good sportsman ship.

any input would be nice, just your honest opinion.


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Guest woodsnwater

Re: any input wanted, please

As long as the permits are legal & you take the animal in a ethical way I see nothing wrong. Are the deer a threat to your trees in August or more of a threat in another month ?

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Re: any input wanted, please

not sure, but i thought when you was given nuisance tags you was not able to keep the deer? Not really sure on that. I could be way off.

if you do happen to shoot one and able to keep it get it to your Taxi-man ASAP. When the buck dies and the blood flow stops to the antlers, the velvet will get bad.

Good Luck

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Guest woodsnwater

Re: any input wanted, please

Slughunter, Have you thought about hosting a youth hunt using your damage permits or maybe a hunt for the handicap.? Just something you may want to think about. It would help control your trees & benefit someone else also.

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Re: any input wanted, please

I stand corrected...from the 2005 deer hunting regs-

It is illegal to:

possess deer antlers in velvet, spotted hides or white deer which are entirely

white except the hooves, tarsal glands, heads and parts of the head, unless special

written authorization is obtained from the department.

Note: Deer with antlers in velvet or in spotted coat may be harvested during the

open deer season, however to keep the antlers or spotted hide the hunter must

contact a Warden within 7 days of tagging the deer and request written authorization.

I'd say, if you get the chance to get a monster in velvet, go for it!!

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Re: any input wanted, please

I wouldn't. It would probably make your other neighbors mad that you're shooting bucks before season starts.. If you get nuicence permits, you should only take does because they're the ones that will effect the deer population. The point of nuicense permits is not to get a chance at a trophy before everyone else.

But, you don't have to listen to me, do whatever you want as long as it's legal. I'm just telling that I wouldn't do it.

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Re: any input wanted, please


I wouldn't. It would probably make your other neighbors mad that you're shooting bucks before season starts.. If you get nuicence permits, you should only take does because they're the ones that will effect the deer population. The point of nuicense permits is not to get a chance at a trophy before everyone else.

But, you don't have to listen to me, do whatever you want as long as it's legal. I'm just telling that I wouldn't do it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can see what you mean about not wanting to get my neighbors mad, but the guy down the road has shot around 46 deer so far, we have gone from seeing deer all the time, to not very often. If I shoot one nice velvet buck it wont make a huge difference.


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Re: any input wanted, please

I don't really have much of an opinion on this, but do have an ethical question for you.

Would you do this because you honestly have a problem and need to cull the deer herd, or do you just want a buck in velvet? If that latter is your answer, then I don't think it is ethical reguardless of it's legality.

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Re: any input wanted, please

I am going to elaborate on my answer. With what the neighbor has done, would you really honestly and truly give a flip what he thinks. If it is legal and you yourself would be happy with taking advantage of the opportunity, dont worry about what is said in here. Hunt the deer to please yourself. You are the one who will be satisfied or disatisfied looking at the deer hanging on the wall. If you have a tag for a buck and you see a monster in velvet that you think you would be happy looking at that buck on the wall knowing you took it under a crop damage permit, why not take it. Nothing whatsover about taking a deer legally under those circumstances is being unethical.

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Re: any input wanted, please

well, I called the dnr today and they said that the damage control tags are for does only, so that explains why I have been seeing so many bucks and not really any does at all. thanks for all the input I read them and thanks yopu for your opinion but with my neigbor only shooting does I dont have to get an early advantage on the bucks, they will be here when season opens.

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Re: any input wanted, please


well, I called the dnr today and they said that the damage control tags are for does only, so that explains why I have been seeing so many bucks and not really any does at all. thanks for all the input I read them and thanks yopu for your opinion but with my neigbor only shooting does I dont have to get an early advantage on the bucks, they will be here when season opens.

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That makes more sense. Damage tags are only for does in this area too.

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Re: any input wanted, please


Nothing whatsover about taking a deer legally under those circumstances is being unethical.

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There are lots of things that are perfectly legal that are very unethical, and there are illigal practices that I wouild consider ethical.

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Re: any input wanted, please



Nothing whatsover about taking a deer legally under those circumstances is being unethical.

[/ QUOTE ]

There are lots of things that are perfectly legal that are very unethical, and there are illigal practices that I wouild consider ethical.

[/ QUOTE ]

there are plenty of ways you can be unethical and yet be legal, and it can also work the other way around.

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Re: any input wanted, please

Something I just thought of!!!!!

I thought nuisance tags are for doe's only, especially here in NY. It may be different in your state but you may want to make sure.

In NY, kllandowners who have nuisance tags can only shoot does. No bucks. The point of having a nuisancs tag is to knock down the deer population, and to do that you have to kill lot's of does.

But, like I said, it may be different in your state. Check into it!!!!

If it is legal to take a buck with nuisance tag, then I would go for it, especially if you want a buck with velvet.

Makes sure you take good care of the velvet on the antlers after you take your buck. The velvet is very fragile and will rub off if you drag the deer by the horns or if the horns rub on anything in your truck while transporting him. My mule deer had full velvet when I killed him, but some of it rubbed off and was damaged due to rubbing against my tailgate in my truck during transport.

Good luck and wait for a big one. This may be your only chance to kill a velvet buck!!!!


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Re: any input wanted, please



Nothing whatsover about taking a deer legally under those circumstances is being unethical.

[/ QUOTE ]

There are lots of things that are perfectly legal that are very unethical, and there are illigal practices that I wouild consider ethical.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me make perfectly clear that MY response in this thread was to this persons circumstances and twisting around my statement basically taking out of context what I said in such a way is not in any way appreciated.

OK, so explain to me then John or anyone else here, how this under the circumstances as they are how would be unethical in your own view. I seem to be missing something here and am really interested in hearing why some of you guys seem to be so adamantly against something that might be legal, just because it is maybe being viewed as capitalizing on an opportunity that not everyone else might have? I was talking about this persons situation and doing what he thinks or feels is right, which after the fact we find out is not legal anyway so the entire post was a kind of a moot point, but I am still very curious as to why some of you guys in here would see this as unethical? Is it because he may be being an opportunist? I mean really, what is the difference? Is it because somewhere stuck in your own mind you want to force your ideas of what you view as being ethical on others?

What would be the difference between this, if it were legal and if he was given the tags from drawing on an early hunt in an area that takes limited hunters where it is known that there are big bucks? Opportunities are opportunities. So, so long as it is legal, how can you really discriminate an early opportunity advantage that not everyone gets to share as being unethical. Does that make the lucky hunter who drew a tag unethical for capitalizing on his opportunity?

If you do something for reasons you view as being perfectly right and they are legal, why does that give anyone else the right to call you unethical just because they do not agree or they are jealous of the opportunity. Your ethics are your ethics, not everyone shares the same views, but that does not mean that they are wrong or in this case unethical.

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