Ladder or stick and hang on


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Got enough steel leftover from another project to build one or the other. Have built ladder stands before and they are primarily what I hunt from on our property, have never hunted from a hang on with a stick type ladder, but am considering building one of these. If you could build your own, what would you build?

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Re: Ladder or stick and hang on

Most definitely it would be a Lock-On stand.

I like them more when bowhunting and since I use them on private land I can have them setup before the morning of the hunt.

If I had the materials I would have to make one that is about 120degrees of a circle maximizing the platform with a large wedge type soft padded seat in proportion to the platform size but not as large that measures 16" from front to back.

Yeah I've thought about this stand needing to be lifted into the tree by a crane...but once it's there you would have No Problem sitting all day long in it!

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Guest lobsterman

Re: Ladder or stick and hang on

If i had to choose between the two, i would pick the ladderstand, i personally love them,and have good luck with them.

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Re: Ladder or stick and hang on

I prefer the stick ladder and hang-on myself.

I have built several and its about all I have on my property save for a few store bought stands I got in trade or whatever.

My stands are engineered to hold an ATV and have via its own winch. LOL

(Not on purpose but thats another store.)

I use my ATV winch to raise and lower my stands as they are about 50x heavier then a store bought steel stand.

I always say if someone steals one of my stands then they deserve it. LOL

Stick ladders are great for helping to hang stands and install tree pegs too IMO.

I have nothing against ladder stands. I have 2.

But they are limited on height and sometimes leave you out in the open not in cover or branchy areas.


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Re: Ladder or stick and hang on

I prefer stick ladders and hang on stands too. Your options for stand height are only limited by the height of your stick ladder. Sometimes a foot one way or the other can make a big difference. You can position a hang on stand to take advantage of the existing cover and any natural openings for shooting holes too. Ladders are OK for the right situation but aren't as versatile as a hang on stand with a stick ladder. The downside is they are a little more trouble setting up compared to a ladder.

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Re: Ladder or stick and hang on

Thanks everyone. Think I am going to go with a stick. Got a great big oak tree in mind that is just back off the edge of the field and a heavy used trail leading onto the field. It is too big to use a climber on, but to get to good cover in the tree would require going up about 18 or so feet. Got a piece of square tubing that is 20 feet ready to go as a stick, just need to weld the steps, and braces where it will attach to the tree on. Have not exactly figured out my design for my stand yet though.

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