camouflage for rifle ... camouflage film

Guest K2rid3r

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Guest K2rid3r

I have a gun that i would like to keep using , i would like to camouflage it. I woud like to put it into a film like substance so that the accutal metal is covered. Is there any company i can send me gun in and have it it coverd?

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Re: camouflage for rifle ... camouflage film

You can do the dip method, decal method, or spray paint method. All will work well. Some have advantages over the others. Cost wise, the dip is the most expensive. It may look the best though. That's how factory camo'd guns are done. Stickers are ok looking but are not as durable as the other methods. Spray paint is cheap and can be done by the user. The pattern is limited only by your imagination and ability.

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Re: camouflage for rifle ... camouflage film

I believe you need to email then to get a price list.

Email April and she will get abck to you very quickly.

I was surprized how low they were compared to others. Not crazy low but you know.

They do a lot of different things too and are geared towards hutning related items big time.

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