ESPN Hunt Sunday


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Guest codyam

Re: ESPN Hunt Sunday

oln has gone the way of many of the channels that showed outdoors shows away from the people that enjoy the outdoors. as far as espn hunt sunday i am either fishing or hunting when these shows come one so i just get the monsters bucks dvds and watch them when ever i want.

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Re: ESPN Hunt Sunday


oln has gone the way of many of the channels that showed outdoors shows away from the people that enjoy the outdoors. as far as espn hunt sunday i am either fishing or hunting when these shows come one so i just get the monsters bucks dvds and watch them when ever i want.

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I just DVR the shows I want to watch and watch when its convient (sp?) to do so. That is a great feature, plus I get to blast through all the commercials!! smile.gif

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Re: ESPN Hunt Sunday

I used to watch the hunting on ESPN on Sundays, they'd show like 2 hours of Realtree shows, then they decided to change the times and put on the Cindy Garrison show which if you ask me, is more for the looks than the hunting. I don't watch it anymore because they show the Realtree shows too early now...

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Re: ESPN Hunt Sunday


I was pretty disappointed with ESPN's lineup for hunt Sunday this year.

"Hunt" Sunday starts off with about 2 hours of fishing. Nothing against fishing, but I don't care for watching fishing shows, especially the loudmouth Charlie Moore--sheesh, give me a break.

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OMG!!! I cant stand this knit-wit, and the Iconnelly guy too!!! The one that screams at everything!!!


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Guest psejake16

Re: ESPN Hunt Sunday

ESPN's 'hunting' shows are too politically correct for me. Sunday morning has some pretty good shows on the outdoor ch. Ghost stories is one of my new favorites @ 9, its usually bowhunts for elk & deer, my favorite, much better than watching that Garrison chick try to throw a rope around a 5 ft. tame gator. smirk.gif

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Re: ESPN Hunt Sunday

I have all but given up on the ESPN line-up. I really enjoy Tom Miranda and the other Realtree shows. I hate the those stupid, due to the graphic natute you may want to sheild your eyes warning before each show. Those really irritate me. I never watch ESPN Outdoors unless I am somewhere that does not have The Outdoor Channel.

OLN, well... it just sux mad.gif

85% percent of my outdoor TV is The Outdoor channel followed by the Mens Channel. I like the shows on the Men's Channel because they show all of my favorites that The Outdoor Channel has dumped.


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Guest muskie_man

Re: ESPN Hunt Sunday

Anyone notice that the past three or so weeks Whitetail Country has been reruns from last shows season. What gives here?

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Re: ESPN Hunt Sunday

Wait you mean ESPN has hunting shows?????Oh that's right I quit watching them several years back for hunting when the quit showing the kill shots. I think they brought it back, but in their futal attempts to please NON-hunters and not show the shot I lost respect for their respect of the outdoorsmen...ESPN please stick to baseball b/c that's what they're good at.......

Sorry had to get that out......

I'll stick with the outdoor channel for now....

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

It's all ok. At least there's something to watch for us non Outdoor Channel viewers. I like getting up in the morning and drinking my coffee in the peace and quiet off it all, watching all the shows before the wife and kids get up. They have some neat tips between shows. After that, we'll get ready for church and although I hate to say it, I sometimes think of hunting during that, too. Sorry Lord, I'll work on that. Lol!

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yep i agree about wayne and his entertainment,he's boring and his show sucks!!!but on the other hand the batswana thing is getting old an as to the way they stock their hunt isn't what i call a hunt to my terms.seems to me they know were the big heards are get dropped off a few hundred yrds away and sneek up and make the kill(kinda intersting but not my way of hunting i like the woods)the only thing i really think is kool is the way they shoot it is amazing.

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Well I gotta add to this one so Realtree has a little more ammo to pull away from ESPN.

I would agree that ESPN has completely tried to mainstream to hunts that they show. The Cindy Garrison thing is completely foolish IMO. I mean really wear some clothes please. That ranks right up there with that fishing show that they had with the 3 chicks in bikinis that literally had no clue how to fish, but just jumped up and down on the boat and laid out.

See I look at this the same and I do outdoor stores. I'm from Indiana and we recently just got a new bass pro and also cabelas. Now both stores are nice, but bass pro completely caters to the "city slickers" from urban areas to come in and act like the are outdoorseeee. Cabelas on the other hand isn't nearly as worried about pleasing the "city folk". This is why I won't shop at Bass Pro either, b/c I consider them a imposter when I see what they are trying to accomplish.

Ok back on task now.....

Anyway REALTREE PULL FROM ESPN AND CONCENTRATE SOLEY ON THE OUTDOOR CHANNEL OR SPORTSMAN CHANNEL. I understand why you are on ESPN but viewers like myself who don't like what ESPN does for the outdoor shows won't tune in. I buy all your monster buck videos and I actually like to watch African hunts(looking to book a trip in two years from now), but I'm not going to take the time to see when you are on just to see a hr of shows. Personally not worth the time.

Just one guys opinion take it or leave it, but I had to get it out.


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