what to plant to attract deer? (bucks)

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is there any certain kind of stuff to plant that attracts deer in general or bucks? like i mean like the biologic stuff and all that theres tons of kinds... what kinds are good and attract deer like they say??? im plannin on planting at the end of july so what kind of plants do you plant that time of year for deer? like stuff that grows fast or what? thanks

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Re: what to plant to attract deer? (bucks)

Most food plot blends that utilize preferred deer foods such as clovers if properly planted and maintained will attract deer somewhat throughout the year and on into deer season. Food plots in areas where food sources are not as abundant will obviously do better, and then your well established plots when other crops or natural sources are dwindling away in the fall will see a big increase in usage. When you have does around feeding in your plots, the bucks come time for the rut will be nearby.

Personally I am not a fan of biologic products. For a good perenial, hamannfarms trefoil/clover grower mix is good, another is penningtons clover and rye supreme. For annuals I like to plant peas, beans and sorghum in the summer.

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Re: what to plant to attract deer? (bucks)

Sounds like you're wanting a plot to hunt over, not just something to supplement the local food source. The key is to have something up that is palatable to the deer during your deer season. Ask some of the local farmers what they see the deer eating in the Fall. I'm not familiar with North Dakota, but I'd guess that Winter Wheat might be a good choice. It would be a lot cheaper than the designer varieties like BioLogic.

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