Death row


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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Death row

Where does it stop though? Should a gang member convicted of killing a rival gang member wanted in a string of robberies get off with a lighter sentence? I mean, drug dealers aren't a good thing, but in my opinion, I would rather have a drug dealer on my block than a murderer. Selling drugs should not warrant a death sentence, assuming the guy killed him solely because he believes it.

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Re: Death row

Ya know, I've got to go along with Tito on this folks.

Two wrongs do not make a right and to take justice into your hands isn't the answer. While it does give some gratification, we're long past vigilante style justice. And to fogive one crime because you committed another isn't fair and impartial justice.

Let's not concentrate on the criminal himself, but rather the judicial system that allows the criminal to walk the streets, this is where the underlying problem really lies folks. Forget the three strike rule, put them away for whatever time allows and kep them there until they've served that time.


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