First fawn pics

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Woke up this morning and looked out the window and saw an orange blob. I put my glasses on and whalaaa!! A doe with a fawn was right there in the yard in front of the trail cam. Just last night, my friend and I had seen a doe with twin fawns at the same exact spot where I almost got the crap beaten out of me by the doe protecting her fawn(s). So I hoped that the doe in my yard at that moment was the doe I had seen with the twins and that I had pics of the twins. After they left and after I got two more hours of sleep, I went outside and swapped the SD cards out. Sure enough I had pics of the doe with her twin fawns. First pics of fawns I have ever gotten with the trail cam. First fawns in the yard this year too. The does are finally starting to bring them around to places.



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Re: First fawn pics


Great pics Joe. That doe being drug down nursing those fawns looks pretty close to the doe I think either you or your dad posted pics and asked about a while back.

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Those pics of that scrawny doe were from our other house in upstate NY, Sullivan county. This doe and her fawns are here in our primary residence in surburban ,NY Rockland county...

BTW, we have some pics of a few does where we saw that sickly looking one and the does looked better than the last time we got pics of them. Who ever said she was run down due to birthing , most likely was right. They look a whole lot better now.

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