safety harness question

Guest fishermanwhohunts

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Re: safety harness question

Everyone is gonna have a different answer for you based on their preferences. In my opinion, I would use an aftermarket harness unless you bought a Summitt stand that came with a Seat-O-The-Pants harness. Some of the harnesses that come with other stands, especially cheaper stands, I throw in the garbage. Your well being, and even your life, are all too important to trust anything but the best harness. In my opinion the best are the Seat-O-The-Pants products

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Re: safety harness question

I agree with Tedicast, most of the free harness' they give away are junk. Unless, as he said; its a Summit seat o the pants type. I have the Hunter safty system tree stalker vest harness, it is convienient to put on, but I have seen some video of a guy testing it, by falling out of a tree and the pressure that the hunter safety system puts on this guys thighs and grion area is unbearable! He roccomend the set of the pants. He did the same test with the summit harness and was able to stay there and talk while he was hanging from the tree. With the Hunter safety system vest, he made a VERY quick effort to get back into the tree. I went back to my Summit Harness.

Good Luck!

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Re: safety harness question

If it's a 3 point harness, those are better than just the loop that goes around the tree, and the other loop that goes on your waist.

A harness secures your shoulders and legs so that if you fall, your body will stay upright hanging by the belt that will be between your shoulders.

Simple loops can cause you to hang by your waist and could suffocate you.

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Re: safety harness question


I would have to say that it all depends on what you think is best and what you will be comfortable wearing. if the one that came with the stand is safe, then use it. just my .02

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I agree...The Optimum word here being "Use".

None of them work at all when their not "On"!!!

A couple years ago I bought 2 stands that came with just the "Safety Belts". Everyone since then have come with full body harnesses cool.gif

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Re: safety harness question

I agree you must first wear it to be worth anything.

However, my biggest complaint about the aftermarket ones is they are so dang expensive. I know you can not put a price on a person's life, but seriously. By the time you spend the bucks on a good stand and then you have to spend another $100 or so on a good safety harness. Thats pretty deep in my pocket. But my life is priceless so.....just my .02.

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Re: safety harness question


I agree you must first wear it to be worth anything.

However, my biggest complaint about the aftermarket ones is they are so dang expensive. I know you can not put a price on a person's life, but seriously. By the time you spend the bucks on a good stand and then you have to spend another $100 or so on a good safety harness. Thats pretty deep in my pocket. But my life is priceless so.....just my .02.

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Yeah they are expensive but you only get 1 life to hunt with so get the best one you can afford. Guys will spend $700+ for the latest bow but won't spend the necessary money to be safe in the tree using that bow!

We all hear about guys who fall out of trees by not wearing one, make sure your not one of them! Your family is worth the extra money, maybe take the extra money you would have spent on the latest arrows, sights, and broadheads and get yourself a great treestand harness.

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Re: safety harness question



I agree you must first wear it to be worth anything.

However, my biggest complaint about the aftermarket ones is they are so dang expensive. I know you can not put a price on a person's life, but seriously. By the time you spend the bucks on a good stand and then you have to spend another $100 or so on a good safety harness. Thats pretty deep in my pocket. But my life is priceless so.....just my .02.

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Yeah they are expensive but you only get 1 life to hunt with so get the best one you can afford. Guys will spend $700+ for the latest bow but won't spend the necessary money to be safe in the tree using that bow!

We all hear about guys who fall out of trees by not wearing one, make sure your not one of them! Your family is worth the extra money, maybe take the extra money you would have spent on the latest arrows, sights, and broadheads and get yourself a great treestand harness.

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I agree TOTALLY! I have one and wear it, but just frustrated that they charge so much.

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Re: safety harness question

If nothing else, USE the free one that comes with a stand. It is better than nothing.

My personal experience is testimony to buying a quality aftermarket harness. Many have heard it before on here, so I'll be brief (something I'm not good at). I paid $75 for a Summit S.O.P. a couple years ago. Last fall I fell. It happens SO FAST it is scary. Needless to say, the S.O.P. saved me from a cast, or a wheelchair, or worse. I came out of it with a scuff on my hand (from hitting the tree) and a few sore muscles (from pulling myself back up). A lesser quality harness would have saved my life, but there would have been more injuries primarily to the legs and groin areas (tests have proven this with these types of harnesses).

The $75 was the best money I ever spent. Now get this, harnesses are a ONE TIME use item. You fall, the harness is no longer safe to use due to the stress on the straps. This is fact, so please do not try and re-use one. So, I called Summit mostly to thank them for making such a great product. They told me that when you buy a harness from them, you buy it one time, for the life of the harness. They said they would replace the harness as part of their safety warantee. Two days later, on my door step, was a brand new S.O.P. harness at no cost to me. All of the sudden it made that initial $75 seem real cheap to me.

OK, so I was not brief, I appologize for that.

PLEASE WEAR A SAFETY HARNESS AT ALL TIMES. If not for yourself, do it for your loved ones!

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Re: safety harness question

I bought a Summit Goliath stand last fall and it came with a safety harness. Problem is I really didn't like this particular style of harness, and would rather go with one of the new vest models out on the market right now and listed in Cabela's. I also recently got in the mail from Summit, a recall on that particular safety harness that came with the stand, and that was made in CHINA!!

They want me to "cut it up" and send in the label and will send me out a new one. Debating if I will, since I don't like that style anyway.

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Guest ILclimber

Re: safety harness question

I agree with Tedicast as well. I have been using the same safety belt for a few years now and I to am thinking about up grading. The harness I wear now is pretty comforatable. They are life savers. I know of some hunters that still don't wear them, it's frustrating to see, but I don't feel comfortable in the tree if I'm not wearing it! Good luck finding one.

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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: safety harness question

Just use the one that came with your unit.

When was the last "cheap harness" that killed someone?

It may not be the most comfortable after the fall but it will do what it is designed to do, keep you from hitting hte ground.

You should always have a back-up plan to get out of your harness after a fall. Cut the wrong strap and see ya no matter what harness you have. Some will keep you upright if you are knocked for a loop in the event of a fall but if used property a treestand fall should be no more than 3 feet.

If you haven't practiced an escape with a harness you are already behind and possibly heading down the eternal dark hallway.

You are no better with an expensive harness than a "cheap" one if you can't escape for it in an emergency.

Avoid the hype.

Expensive harnesses are just a bit more comfortable after the 3 foot fall. That comfort level only lasts for a few minutes or until you can get your unsafe rear out of the tree that got you in the jam to begin with.

Secondary rope with a prussik.

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