Beman ics hunters or Beman ics Camo?


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Re: Beman ics hunters or Beman ics Camo?

Well, I don't know about the camo arrows being slower, my ICS Camos manage to fly @ 280 fps, so maybe I should go to plain black & I'll shoot even faster shocked.gif

In all seriousness though, camo doesn't matter. The only reason I bought camo is because a freind of mine got me a heck of a deal on them, so I figured what the heck. Buying a quality arrow is what matters most, don't worry about if it's camo or not.

Remember, if it's camoed up, it will be harder to find if it's junk and doesn't fly straight grin.gif

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Re: Beman ics hunters or Beman ics Camo?

I was shooting the ICS camo 400 arrows from my mathews Legacy but had problems getting nice groups. I blamed it on my broadheads and had to shoot Spitfires which flew better than the Muzzy's but as it turned out it was my arrows causing the problem. It was like shooting a wet noodle as you could see the deflection in the arrow with the naked eye as it flew. i switched to Axis arrows and i'm back in business now. I was only shooting 62 lbs too. Just my experience from my bow.

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Re: Beman ics hunters or Beman ics Camo?

NO CAMO....ive also learned from personal experience that camo arrows drop. I shoot a Hoyt MagnaTec at around 62 lbs and went from shooting camo arrows to strait black and i could personally tell that my bow had a lot more pop in it, plus the easton epics (black) were deffiently going about a inch to an inch and a half.

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Re: Beman ics hunters or Beman ics Camo?

I have both as well. First i got the ICScamo340 and they were ok but the finish made them very hard to pull out of 3d targets which was a pain. I also wasnt very consistent with them, which i just figured was all me. I however switched to ICS 340 black shaft because I shoot alot of 3d and they are easier to pull and I'm really grouping alot better with them. I would go with the ICS hunters not camo if your going to buy them. The GPI between the camo and regular for the 340 is just a little different making the camo slightly heavier b/c of the camo finish. This will give you a slightly slower arrow speed, but at the same time might increase your KE. Goodluck in whatever you choose, Id go with the ICS black shafts.

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