sask in oct!


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Re: sask in oct!

I actually do not get out much anymore, I spend way more tiem with the bow, once i fill the bow tag i usually og on a honker shoot or 2 a year, I do not shoot any of the snows, I hate eatign them so i will not kill what i will not eat, to me they taste like mud with the black meat! We have abotu 150 sylowette honker kdeeks, and about 50 snows, then ahve about 50 homeade 3d snow geese, we set the honkers out and usually piytt in for them, this eyar we just layed in a pea field in the deeks with our advatage camo and ended up with 27 honkers I think it was one morning! For the snows they are really hard to deek you need such a good setup [buddiues ahve 500 socks and still were not coming in great] I find the best with the snows is to get in a flyway bwere comign off the lake on a cold foggy mornign, buddies shot over 60 one mornign!The specks, ducks and honkers are more my type of geese, I love huntign them in a full deek setup!!

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Re: sask in oct!

That's what it's like where we hunt in Manitoba too.

We get a lot pass shooting when they're coming off of water or going back into water. We set out decoys, but most of the birds that decoy are the young stupid ones. We do an occassional sneak, and when they work they really work well. Unfortunately most sneaks end in a bust.

Sureshot - "taste like mud"??? I guess everybody has different tastes. I haven't had one yet that I didn't like. Could be the recipes my wife uses though.

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Guest JupiterCoyote

Re: sask in oct!

sureshot- I somewhat agree with what you said about only shooting what you eat.

But my question is, in your opinion, with the excess numbers of snow geese, and the problems they cause, could a case be made for hunting them just for the sake of reducing their numbers?

your thoughts?

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Re: sask in oct!

I know you directed the question specifically at Sureshot, but I'd like to add my .02.

I don't believe in killing and let lay (wanton waste) just for the sake of keeping the population in check.

As a last resort, I would support a program of selectively netting the birds off their roosts, euthanizing, then processing the meat for food shelves and homeless shelters and such. Similar programs have proven successful for venison donations where that is allowed, and I don't see why it wouldn't work for goose burger as well.

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