2 Part ?


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Re: 2 Part ?


On any morning that you wake up during the hunting season...

What is the one type of Weather that you Do Not Want?

How do you deal with it and keep your motivation going strong?

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Excluding the occasional tropical storm type situation (that has happened before), I really hate to wake up to those warm, humid, windy days. I really don't feel confident that a deer will move under those conditions.

How do I deal with it and keep my motivation? I usually don't unless I'm hunting out of state under a time limit. When I'm out of state I just try to keep in mind that it can happen any time. At home I'd rather just pick and choose my days in the field and work during those pitiful weathr condition days unless it's during the rut. During the rut I use the "it can happen any time" trick on myself again. wink.gif

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Re: 2 Part ?

I would have to say cold cold temperatures!!!!

To deal with it i put on every piece of clothing i own and put hand warmers in every pocket:)

About 2 years ago i woke up opening morning of rifle season and the thermometer was at -25 degree's it was cold but our group ended up getting a nice 8 pointer later that day

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Re: 2 Part ?

Rain is not a problem by deer season up here...that is my worst for bear and early moose. For deer i really hate it when it is about -25 or 30 and howling winds. Cold makes great hunting, but with the wind nothing moves, and it is miserable ot be out.

I overcome it by putting on layers of clothes until I cannot shoulder my gun, then i take one layer off, put handwarmers in all pockets, boots, gloves, etc. I pick a spot out of the wind, and in the thickest stuff i can find. Better a spot you can oly see 30 yards that holds deer on a day like that that the open where you can't stay and the deer typically avoid. Then burrow myself in and hunt until the hypothermia starts to set in lol. Usually the really cold days 2-3 hours is all i can sit, but in the right spot that has been more than long enough a few times. The biggest thing is do not work up a sweat getting to the spot, and if you get a deer (or moose, or whatever) gather wood and start a fire BEFORE you gut it (lesson learned the hard way).

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