Need help identifying this fish... *VIDEO*


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Last year I asked about an orange fish living in the reservoir behind my house. Today I went out fishing down there and saw that orange fish in the shallows. Luckily I brought the digital camera with me and took a video clip. This fish is absolutely huge!! He doesn't ever bite lures or worms or anything. He just ignores everything and every now and then jumps out of the water. It also swims around with other fish that look black/brown in the murky water. I think the other fish it stays with are either trout or big catfish, but if they were catfish they would stay on the bottom or in the deeps, right? If you can ID this fish, please tell me how to catch it.

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Re: Need help identifying this fish... *VIDEO*

It's a color mutant of carp. We have them here in Ohio. My cousin actually caught one once out in Lake Erie. Anyone that's been to Cedar Point can tell you, there's a bunch there.

We used to feed them popcorn. You might want to try that if you want to catch him joe. Canned corn works too.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Need help identifying this fish... *VIDEO*

Definitely a large koi. You know how much money you could make with that thing if you caught it ALIVE? smile.gif People that have koi ponds in their yards have to raise those things for years before they get that big!! You should ask around to see if anyone would buy it then get a cast net and catch it!!!

Not sure how much you could get, but I know that around here......the ones that are about 8-12 inches long go for around $15-$25!!! wink.gif

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