Hows Everyones Gardens?


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This was the first real batch I got several months ago. Notice the purple bell pepper! I havent found anyone that has seen those before. I bought the plant at Lowes because i hadnt seen one either.

Again, its a small batch but it was my first real batch.


This was last week. I forgot (translate, got to busy) to pick for 2-days. This is what I came up with. I let my Okra get large on purpose. For some reason this is really tender Okra so by letting it get large you simply get more okra!

My tomatoes are just now really turning. My cherry tomatoes have been turning for a couple of weeks but the large plants such as the big boys are just now starting. We have picked roughly 5 tomatoes this week. They are really starting to turn though and with 27 tomatoe plants I should be loaded before long! Im also starting to get a lot of egg plant....


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Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?

My strawberry patch was good this year and as always you can never keep up and eat them all.

My broccoli is done, and not in a good way, something ate it up. One day it was looking good the next day nothing left but stalks. Do you think a ground hog could have done that? Seen one near it and I don't see deer tracks, could be rabbits but I don't have many in the area.

Corn is looking good, so is Tominator's popcorn! Thanks again Chris. Tomatoes are looking good as is the green peppers. Pumpkins are talking off and my watermelons are a little slower than normal.

Have been weeding and watering it so I plan to reap some of my rewards next month! smile.gif

Enjoy your gardens guys and gals!

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Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?

Wow, nice crop! We have a few baby summer squash, onions and such in the main garden, then of course my pumpkins, carrots and potatoes I planted. Several potatoes rotted and didn't come up so I've got to replant, and the pumpkins are a little behind, my fault, but other than that, the gardens seem to be doing well

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Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?


My squash are about dead, but they did produce a BUNCH!!! For some reason my zuchini's all died, I have NO idea what happened to them

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My squash plants went south too! I have 2 left out of 5-6. My zucchini is sick too. I lost all but one plant. I think its the weather. I did get a lot before it all slowed......

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Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?


I don't know, you'll have to ask Tominator how my garden is coming along..... grin.gifwink.gif

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LMAO--It's coming along just fine Tommy. I'll get some pics here after I finish my brunch.

Guys that lost their squash and zuchini--I'm betting you got a case of squash vine borers. Borers will hit any cucubrit--cukes, melons, pumpkins, zuchini, etc. What you'll see is your leaves all of a sudden start to wilt and then basically the whole plant dies soon after.

Here's a decent site:

I spray my cucubrits almost constantly from the time they emerge until I harvest.

The broccoli probably got attacked by the cabbage worm, they are notorious for destroying any brassica.

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Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?


The leaves were all gone and the day before they were on there as was the broccoli, those worms move that fast overnight? I had 4 plants that looked healthy, the next day it was like a hurricane tore them apart!!

No animal footprints either near them, then again a rabbit would be light and may not leave any, that was my thought process.

Cabbage worm huh, have to see if there are any in my garden. Any chance of knowing what they look like?

Thanks Chris! smile.gif

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Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?

I keep thinking its that ground hog too Chris. Overnight the broccoli was gone and the wife was upset because it was too late to get more and try to replant this time with netting around the plants.

That ground hog is a big boy too!! He lives in a drainage tile near a drainage ditch that is about 20 feet from my garden. At least that is where I see him come out at.

I don't see many rabbits so I might have to get a live trap and catch Mr. Ground Hog and give him a new place of residence to save my garden.

How does Sunbury, Ohio sound to you Mr. Ground Hog!! grin.gif

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Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?



All butterflies on my property are safe except for this one. This is the cabbage butterfly, the mommy and daddy of the stuff that eats my brassicas. My kids have free license to kill these on sight any time they want. Our outside cat loves to eat them believe it or not, so we catch them and let the cat have them. cool.gif

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Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?

Tomatoes are really coming on. Got so many cucumbers, the wife has been gving them away. The wife has picked a few tomatoes, got a crap load of em that are going to be ready this weekend and going along with some jalapenos and bell peppers into some home made salsa. Put up over a 100 ears of peaches and cream sweet corn last weekend, should have over 200 this weekend, the family has probably eaten about 2 dozen ears fresh corn so far this year. The popcorn Chris sent is started tassling. The lima beans should be ready for a first picking this weekend. The purple hull peas like a little before they will be ready to start picking, but wont be long.

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Guest generallee

Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?

Ive been picking a lot of beans, just now started picking some peas, had a couple nice green peppers, a few jalepenos. Corn was looking good until this morning when i went out and saw what the coons had done over night. I need to get a live trap and dispose of those rascals.

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Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?

Got corn earworms in our corn despite sticking with a pretty good routine spraying here. Pretty sure the spurts of dry to extreme gulleywashers have helped me out there. Most of the damage to the corn so far has been just in the ends, so we just break them off when shucking.

Have not had any tomatoe horn worms this year, which is great. I have been using a permethrin based insecticide this year instead of sevin, but think I may try a rotation next year. Last year with sevin, had problems with the horn worms and still got the corn ear worms.

Told the wife I needed to take some pics of our corn over the weekend to post on the forums and she looked at me like I was nuts, maybe this weekend.

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Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?


I had squash bugs! I spray with "7" and it kills them off. Next year im going to dust to help prevent them all together.

I may have the worm too... Im going to cut open a partially live stock to see what I find.

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Look for "frass" (grub poop) near where the vine comes out of the ground, or right near where you see the first leaf is wilting. If you catch it early enough you can slit the vine, grab the grub, then cover the slit up with dirt, and sometimes the vine will repair itself.

It's very important to rotate your crops. The vine borer can establish itself in the ground from year to year.

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Re: Hows Everyones Gardens?

OK, my pics. Weather is lousy today here in central Ohio, but, what can you do.


Corn plot #1--Silver Queen, should be flowering soon, and tassling probably next week. The squashes and melons are off to the left in this pic, but really aren't established yet. They got in late due to the unusually cool May.


Green beans in the foreground (either I or the garden store messed up there, those are pole beans, and I hate maintaining pole beans). Limas in the back left of the pic. Back center is the peppers and tomatoes. You can just barely see the broccoli right center near corn plot #2. Foreground right is the spent peas, lettuce and spinach. Way back on the right are the carrots, but you can't see them in this picture.


Corn plot #2, and #3. #2 on the left, #3 on the right. Both plots are Incredible. #2 should be ready mid August, #3 right near early September. Should do pretty good if we keep getting rain like we have.


Last pic is of my food plot. Soybeans in the foreground, corn off to the right, and sunflowers off in the background left.

I don't like to garden much, eh?


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