Animal rights activists attack grandmother


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Animal rights activists admit attack on grandmother



20:49pm 3rd July 2006

Three animal rights activists launched a terrifying attack on a family, including a 75-year-old grandmother, for having a pro-hunting sticker on their car, a court heard yesterday.

Heather Nicholson, Natasha Avery and Daniel Wadham jumped out of their car while stuck in a traffic jam to spit, screamed abuse and banged on the windows of their victims.

At one stage they hit a 75-year-old grandmother and tried to open the car doors to drag her 21-year-old grandson into the street. It was only the intervention of outraged members of the public that halted the attack.

Avery and Nicholson, both 38, are founding members of the controversial group Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) which has instigated the hate campaign against companies involved in animal testing.

Together with Wadham, 19, they pleaded guilty to one charge of affray at Kingston Crown Court today.

Judge Nicholas Jones remanded Nicholson in custody and warned Avery and Wadham they could face jail when they are sentenced on July 21. The judge said: 'Custodial sentences appear to be merited in relation to these matters.'

The family who cannot be named for legal reasons to protect their safety were travelling in Richmond, south-west London during the attack on November 9 last year.

On the back of their Audi driven by the grandmother's daughter, Mrs A, in her mid-40s was a small sticker that said: 'Two working dogs, working people, work in hunting.'

The driver suddenly heard a bang on her window and a woman screaming: **** scum, **** perverts,' while Wadham was banging on the side of the car. One woman shouted: 'Get that sticker off your window.'

The 21-year-old shouted to his mother: 'Just drive,' to shake off the extremists. The traffic lights turned green and the family drove off but the extremists got back in their car to pursue.

Hate-filled rant

When both cars had to stop at the next set of traffic lights on the A316 the attack began again. Mrs A tried to lock all her doors, but was unable to, and Nicholson launched another hate-filled rant screaming: '**** perverts, **** scum.'

Mrs A was 'in tears and shaking' as Avery shouted similar obscene abuse at the passenger window. Mrs Nicholson then reached in the passenger door to pull Mrs A's son out of the car by his legs - but he kicked to stop her.

When the 75-year-old put her left arm out to help her grandson Nicholson hit her arm and Nicholson and Wadham spat in the 21-year-old's face and on the passenger door.

Other motorists came to the rescue of the family with one driver shouting to the extremists: 'If you want to start, start on me,' before police arrived to arrest all three.

Jill Evans, defending Nicholson, said her client had committed 'a most unattractive offence' but it was not premeditated.

Nicholson currently in jail on remand was last year jailed for breaching an ASBO placed in January last year which banned her from 500 metres of Huntingdon Life Sciences laboratories in Cambridgeshire or Suffolk, although this breach was later overturned by the court of appeal. Both she and Avery have a long string of previous convictions mostly relating to public order offences and animal rights protests.

The court heard Wadham has no previous convictions.

The court ordered that the trio's exact addresses are not to be published for fear of reprisals.

SHAC, formed in 1999, claims not to condone violence although many of its activists have previous convictions for attacking employees of animal laboratories. With members in the UK, US, Germany and Italy, it has been linked to fire bomb attacks on lab workers.

It has been accused by the FBI of posting the names and addresses of scientists and investors in drug testing firms, who have subsequently been attacked by the terrorist group The Animal Liberation Front. Some observers describe SHAC's role as offering a public face to ALF's paramilitary style tactics.

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I took out the link because the language was not appropriate..sorry

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When oh when is our governments going to treat these people like the terrorists that they are ??? confused.gif

When oh when is our governments going to treat these people like the terrorists that they are ??? confused.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother

Hmmmmmmmm....................I doubt very seriously that they would have jumped out and tried to drag someone like my husband out of HIS truck.

They saw that it was an elderly woman and simply decided she would be an easy target.

What a bunch of idiots. mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

Next time Granny needs to be packin some heat with her................ wink.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother


Kind of makes me want to go out and buy some stickers for my old truck grin.gif

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Down here..............almost EVERYONE has a Browning sticker or deer decals or turkey decals on their vehicles. wink.gif

It would be a VERY bad thing to try a stunt like that in the SOUTH. crazy.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother


Next time Granyy needs to be packin some heat with her................

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Sorry but where this happened in the UK, guns are pretty much completely outlawed. No chance she'd ever be able to defend herself legally.

If you really want to see stupidity on parade, read all of the comments from readers at the bottom of the article.

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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother

they ever tried that on me, I'd be forcing them back out of my car with pure FORCE! packing some heat!

The government needs to realize these PETA people are terrorists and nothing short of it!

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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother


Down here..............almost EVERYONE has a Browning sticker or deer decals or turkey decals on their vehicles.

It would be a VERY bad thing to try a stunt like that in the SOUTH.

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You got that right!

If all those PETA morons had gas for brains they couldn't drive a gnat's moped around a cheerio!

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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother


gun would get the job done but hand to hand would be much more fun

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Man, you took the words right out of my mouth!!!!! wink.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Actually, they wouldn't have had to PULL me out, I would have happily abliged them!!!!!!!!!!!! wink.gif

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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother

Heck, If I saw you in front of me at a stop-light Luke, I'd be tempted to jump out of my truck, run over to your window, tell you to roll it down, and then shake your hand and ask if you'd like to pull over somewhere for a coffee. grin.gif

But then, you'd say "No way, your weird" and drive away ..LOL grin.gif

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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother


I'm just waiting for the day something like this happens to me.... grin.gifgrin.gif

I can gurantee it won't be picking on a Old Lady...

I wonder what they would have tried it if they saw this window...


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I'd run up there and pull that MUZZY sticker off and put on my truck!! grin.gifgrin.gif

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Guest generallee

Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother

This story perfectly show the caliber of folks the anti's have on their side.......Terrorizers of old thats just sick.......they can come curse me and knock on my windows whenever they please because i would be more than happy to jump out and let them know what i think about them.

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Guest huntwriter

Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother

In all of this we must remember that PETA and the Humane Society are still tax exemt charity organizations.

Perhaps it would be high time to write to our local political rep. and ask them to stop this terrorists and make them pay taxes. PETA alone makes annualy over 24 million dollar of which less than 2% are used for animal welfare. The rest is used to line the pockets of the PETA management, to pay legal fees for animal-rights terrorists (as in this case) and to sponsor the ALF (Animal Liberation Front).

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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother

i got a 3 foot long piece of 1 1/2 " gas pipe (the heavy black stuff) anybody messes with me like that i'm beating in some skulls!!! i carry it because i live in a bad area , and i have a tendency to tell people exactly what i think so i anger people often!!!!!!!! grin.gif i had a guy get mad at me because i was doing the speed limit, at the next traffic light he got out of his car and started toward mine ,,,i got out with my pipe and he returned to his car quickly!!!!!!!! NO PROBLEM!!!! grin.gif those activists are terrorists but are not treated as terrorists...... mad.gif

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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother

What's funny is that the old addage proves true. Take away all of the guns and the only people that will be committing the crimes are the same people who illegally had the guns in the first place. Way too funny how some countries and states are hurting their cause.

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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother

Were in the world do these idiots come from...

Man if that was my Grandmother and some nut case like that hit her or even did what they did...

Yeah baby, I would have blown a gasket and came unglued.

That right there is a bunch of bull and I hope they pay dearly for it...

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