Animal rights activists attack grandmother


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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother

That's why I love GA's new 'shoot first ask questions later' would have been a great application for this situation.

I believe the article said this was London....which, by the way, outlawed gun the attackers knew they were safe.


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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother


Very interesting!!!! I posted a "pro-hunting" reply yesterday afternoon and I can't find it anywhere. I replied just now and asked why it says "19 people have responded" when I responded yesterday and mine is nowhere in sight! I kindly asked them to post my response or remove the above statement- it is at best misleading and at worst an outright LIE! I also asked how many other repsonses they ignored???? mad.gifmad.gif!!!!!

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Re: Animal rights activists attack grandmother

oh that wouldnt of happened to me, we wouldnt of even had to go to the next stop light, that first time would of been enough for me to get out of my car.......i would of gotten out of that car and beaten the snot out of least one of em....... mad.gif

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