Apology to Adkhunter !!


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In a recent post concerning the rut and warm weather, it seems that I have mistated some facts that contridicted Adkhunters statements. With some furthure research and after to talking abit with Vtbowman ( which who has a book on some of these inqurys ) I have since found out that I have mis spoken and want to apologize here on the forums to him and say I'm sorry. This will teach me for speaking without having facts to back my words up.

Vtbowman has offered to let me read this book and will be taking him up on his offer and mabye learn something... I sure hope that I didn't make and enemy and this was never my intent. So I hope this apology is accepted with a hand shake..

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Re: Apology to Adkhunter !!

Thanks dogdoc, I just wanted to make it very clear I was in no way trying to talk down to anyone and never intentialy would. I just have a great passion for hunting,but put friendship above all and believe that hunting brothers come first and that is what makes hunting so appealling to me it's the friends and making of new friends.

What comes with that passion of hunting is becoming a better person and hopefully making other people better themselfs and that means when you are wrong it's your responsibility as a friend and human being to admit that mistake and take every effort to correct your mistake. Hopefully I have done this here today and others will see and try to fix their mistakes...and become a better person in doing so..

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Re: Apology to Adkhunter !!

Phew !!! thanks man that's alot off my mind... I believe in hunter orange or blaze orange. Anything to make yourself visible to other hunters( but believe it should be a preferance of choice wether to wear it or not ). I always have said better safe than sorry. I've never had a problem getting deer wearing orange. Now that Im using a bow and new to the sport of archery I don't know if full camo has a advantage or not, but I still tagged a deer wearing orange in the woods.

I'm glad we're cool that is a real relief to me....

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Re: Apology to Adkhunter !!

Ahhhhhh I am touched.. LOL

Oh BTW I KNOW how to make Dave mad.

Just mess around with his chain saw.

That will do it for sure.

Ya know suger in the gas tank.

But thats no t the biggy.

Take a file to the chain its self, in the wrong way, and your his enemy for life!!!

That boy can cut wood like anyones business...

BUT it has to be sharp... LOL

Oh and Luke come get that book I am done with it...

I actually learned a couple things from it.

Like most of us who have been in this for a while.

We think there is only so many ways to write about the same ole material.

But this book pointed out a few mistakes I know a few of us have been making... crazy.gifgrin.gif


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Re: Apology to Adkhunter !!

How I realize this..but man I sometime really can over do it. Just picked up the booked in the forementioned post and boy does it have some great and useful info and think it should be a must read for all. The book is ( The Advanced Deer Hunters Bible ) by John Weiss. geat this book and read it you wont be sorry !!

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