A nice lunch break


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So I was hoping we'd get a 1 hour lunch break at custodial but we only got a 1/2 hour, but I decided to go pay a visit to camp, even if it has only been a week, I miss it. Let me tell you, pulling into camp, it was like coming home almost. I was so happy to see the other staff and the staff was happy to see me. They even gave me a sandwich so I didn't starve since I had to get back to work. I got to say hi to almost everyone and I will also be getting a nice camp momento,lol. The director and assistant director, they have a rabbit that was given to them but they've decided they can't keep it because it has chewed through phone and computer cords and I told them I'd take him so they are happy he'll be having a good home wink.gif So I got back to work a few minutes late but my supervisor didn't mind. I'll probably go visit next week again. In fact I'll probably be visiting every week,lol grin.gif

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