New Threat To Bowhunting??


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Re: New Threat To Bowhunting??


when all the deer are running out in front of cars, tearing up crops and destroying stuff, lets see if they want to pay the damages, its a sport and many hunters bow hunt, so frankly they can kiss my @ss, I think they just want to be noticed is all, itll never happen...

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Bowhunting as a deer population control is not really that big a deal. That probably is one of the major reasons for the antis to be targeting bowhunters. Also, as a political group with any measurable impact on anything, we don't even register as a blip. Also, there is no strong coalition between bowhunters and the rest of the hunting community. In fact, I believe there is a significant number of gunhunters who would just as soon see bowhunting removed so that they could enjoy some of the prime seasons that we currently have exclusive use of. I wouldn't be counting on a lot of help from them.

I really hate it when I read messages that are basically saying that elimination of bowhunting is impossible so threats such as these can be ignored. I guess I should not be counting on a lot of help from these people either when it becomes obvious that we need it.


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