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Re: no till


From what I understand with the no till type products, it is strongly suggested that you remove all debris by means of rake or whatever method you have available. Dont expect too much if you just throw the seed out on the ground.

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You're right WT, before I got a 4wheeler & some equipment I use to use alot of no till products. You must rake all the debris or spray the area with round up to kill all the vegetation. Reason being is you want good seed to soil contact.

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Re: no till

Dont know if it is still on the market or not and cannot believe I am going to say this, but biologic had a fertilizer out that was supposedly ph balanced so you would not have to use lime. I used the stuff once with a clover plot and it worked really well.

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Re: no till


so can i get that 13 13 13 at any harware store or do i have to special order it

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Yes you should be able to get it at any place like Ace Hardware, Lowes or any local farmer's market store there. If they don't have triple 13 then they might have something like 10-10-10 or 12-12-12. Here in SC most fertilizer is sold as 10-10-10 because of the soil. You just want to get a good balanced fertilizer for what you're trying to accomplish.

Hope that helps.

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Guest nthewild

Re: no till

i put out some throw n grow about a week and a half ago. didn't have bare ground at all. just curious to see if it would grow. i made some bare spots on the ground with my shoes, threw some seed down, and thats all. it rained the next day, so that probably helped, but i went back yesterday, just curious to see if it had sprouted or anything and i was amazed. it was already real thick and about 5-8 inches tall. i have to actually go rake up some land now and throw some more down. so from my experience, in under two weeks, it works well.

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