question for gardeners????


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My tomato plants that i planted last spring never produced. when they were in full bloom we had a huge hail storm that knocked them all out. They never produced another tomato. I left them in the ground and finally pulled them out today. They are loaded with green tomatoes. I pulled about 20 nice size green tomatoes.

Can I store them in a dark place to get them to mature or should I just toss them?



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Re: question for gardeners????

The gas you are looking for is ethylene. It is produced naturally by the fruit as it ripens.

I have heard of old-timers who would wrap their last green tomatoes in newspaper and store them in a box in the basement where they would slowly ripen.

Good luck!

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Re: question for gardeners????

I have to pick boxes in the fall before the first frost every year, I put them in the basement in a box covered with a towel to keep fdark, soemtimes they iwll ripen in a few dyas but we havd soem this year that took a month to ripen, I just make sure I go through it every few days cosue the odd one will start to rot ,once they start to ripen I take them otu of the one box and put in another without piling on top so it does not get squished! good luck!!

BTW I would not be injecting anyhtign on my tomatoes,I grow the garden to get away from any crap the stores put in and sure they may prodice that gas but I would not personnay injecting them with anyhting!

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Re: question for gardeners????

put the green tomatos on a window sill...let the sun ripen them...have you ever heard of sun ripened tomatoes? my father in-law grows tomatoes every year(way too many) so wee put them in sunlight and they ripen quite nicely...good luck with whatever method you choose to use ,,,but don't waste those tomatoes!!!!!!!!!!!! grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: question for gardeners????

can't add much to what's already been said, but one other thing you can do next year Todd is about 2 weeks before then end of your growing season, clip the new growth above the green tomatoes, especially any new blossoms, and don't fertilize anymore, especially nitrogen. clipping the new growth will funnel nutrients into the ripening fruit instead of new growth.

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Re: question for gardeners????

Well my mom knowsm ore about tomatoes than I do but you can eat green tomatos, frying or canning, I'm sure there are recipes. My mom when the tomatoes are on the vine, will put a tarp over them to keep the sun's heat in as heat is what helps the tomatos to ripen I believe. Like the others, I'd say put them in a bag and see what happens.

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