ksm (Karen) UPDATE


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I was talking with Shane, Karen's son via PMs yesterday and recieved some very bad news. I hope you don't mind me posting this Shane, but I think prayers for Karen the family are in order here. The more the better.


From: IBO_bowhunter

Mom isn't doing very well as of late. The hospice nurse told my dad to start making arrangements, I don't know how long that means but the way she talked I don't expect her to be around for the start of bow season. She is sleeping alot because of the cancer and the pain patches plus the morphine she has to take about three times a day. The cancer is everywhere and spreading fast, it is in her lungs, brain, liver, and her bones. I honestly do not know when I will have the time to get back on line but if I do I will keep you updated on her condition. Thanks Shane.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doesn't look to good frown.gif All we can do is pray

For those of you who may not know ksm, here is Karen doing what she loves.


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Guest HaDeRonDa

Re: ksm (Karen) UPDATE

A better place is close. What better place to be than with God. Stay strong for her.

Shane, may God bless your mom and the rest of your family.

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