Encore barrel Question


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Hi trex, it depends entirely on what you plan to use your Encore for, ( deer, varmints, ect.) Many in here use TC barrels, some use aftermarkets on theirs. Our gun guru (AJ) prefers the aftermarkets barrels for him. It depends on what you expect out of it.

If you want the best accuracy you can achieve, then aftermarkets are the choice. If you are like the majority of us, then TC barrels will do it smile.gif What I'm saying is TC will give you decent accuracy, but in most cases the aftermarkets will be more accurate.I'm hoping AJ will jump in with his opinion. smile.gif What would you plan on using this gun to hunt for ?


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Re: Encore barrel Question

As far as the most popular, I would say the .30-06 as its the most popular cartridge in the centerfire world. But, like too_pointer said, match the chambering to the intended target. If you want something for deer, it will be different than for varmints.

I will only buy aftermarket barrels for my Encore. Good ones can be had from Virgin Valley Custom Guns, Bullberry, SSK, and others.

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Re: Encore barrel Question

what i am finding out is the encore standard barrels will shoot very good groups but if your just a hunter and wanting to hunt the barrels that encore make for their rifles will do just fine as i am shooting quarter size groups with my 308 and that is the factory barrel. i am sure you can spend more money and get an after market and get some benefits you won't with a standard encore barrel and if you can afford it and are happier then go for it.

it's all a matter of what you want and what you want to spend for your barrels. so far i see no reason to go for an aftermarket barrel but that doesn't mean i won't every go after one sometime either lol. good luck to you

rob k

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