look at this bucks rack


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Guest whitetailarcher

Re: look at this bucks rack

Wow! pretty unique. My buddy shot a buck with a droptine that looked like that, but it doesn't look like that bucks mainbeam is going to keep growing. I want to see what he will look like once he loses his felt.

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Guest outdoor_adventurer

Re: look at this bucks rack

that is a rack that is one and a million. i haven't ever seen a deer with that wild of a rack. it is very unique!!!

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Re: look at this bucks rack

I shot a buck in velvet one year in the late summer at an airport where they were having problems with deer on the runways in front of the aircraft. The DEC had issued permits to local LEO's to help with the situation and they did a controlled hunt to remove deer from the problem area. One antler appeared to be growing downward but it was actually just flopping around and the velvet was holding it in place. Once the velvet would have came off, the antler would have fallen to the ground also. I have a pic of it somewhere, if I think of it, I will post the pic in this thread.

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