Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere


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Guest huntwriter

Re: Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere

Now that I moved from Illinois to British Columbia, well five years ago, Cabela's opens a store there. Next to Bass-Pro in Gurnee Mills?

I heard rumors that Cabela's plans to set up a shop in Vancouver too.

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Re: Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere


Now that I moved from Illinois to British Columbia, well five years ago, Cabela's opens a store there. Next to Bass-Pro in Gurnee Mills?

I heard rumors that Cabela's plans to set up a shop in Vancouver too.

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Hoffman estates which is north of chicago smirk.gif Were goin to 6 flags on the 12th that means a stop to bass pro yay grin.gif

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Re: Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere


Cabela's is putting a store where every BassPro is. I guess they let Bass Pro test the market and then come in and put one up as well.

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I hope that is true. They just opened our bass pro somewhere around a year ago. Its booming. Id love to see a Cabela's come in now!

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Re: Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere


Cabela's is putting a store where every BassPro is. I guess they let Bass Pro test the market and then come in and put one up as well.

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Would be nice if that were true. Got a bass pro in Nashville and one in Memphis, but no Cableas stores anywhere around here.

Was noticing the latest catalog had several new stores to be built between now and 2008.

Sure would be nice to have one around here, but guess the closest we are going to get anytime soon will be the one they have planned for Georgia, hadnt seen in the catalog where they had one in the St Louis area that is on the map you have up there, but that would be closer yet.

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Re: Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere

yep cant wait for the cabelas in illinois to come, im normally driving 4.5 hours just to go to cabelas in prairie du chein wisconsin, hopefully this illinois one will be good, even though its nice to go to prairie du chein cause its the warehouse one and you can get anything and everything their cabelas has, im taking off for colorado on friday and i will be stopping in at the kearney one in nebraska, i cant wait i know ill be dumping some bucks their, ill prolly be outa money before my colorado vacation starts

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Re: Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere



Cabela's is putting a store where every BassPro is. I guess they let Bass Pro test the market and then come in and put one up as well.

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Would be nice if that were true. Got a bass pro in Nashville and one in Memphis, but no Cableas stores anywhere around here.

Was noticing the latest catalog had several new stores to be built between now and 2008.

Sure would be nice to have one around here, but guess the closest we are going to get anytime soon will be the one they have planned for Georgia, hadnt seen in the catalog where they had one in the St Louis area that is on the map you have up there, but that would be closer yet.

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Dont forget there is one in Knoxville also - looks like Cabelas isn't concentrating too much on the South... at least as much as Bass Pro - there's one of those in Charlotte too....

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Re: Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere




Cabela's is putting a store where every BassPro is. I guess they let Bass Pro test the market and then come in and put one up as well.

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Would be nice if that were true. Got a bass pro in Nashville and one in Memphis, but no Cableas stores anywhere around here.

Was noticing the latest catalog had several new stores to be built between now and 2008.

Sure would be nice to have one around here, but guess the closest we are going to get anytime soon will be the one they have planned for Georgia, hadnt seen in the catalog where they had one in the St Louis area that is on the map you have up there, but that would be closer yet.

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Dont forget there is one in Knoxville also - looks like Cabelas isn't concentrating too much on the South... at least as much as Bass Pro - there's one of those in Charlotte too....

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Yeah, didnt think about that one. I hate going to Memphis, but we might just have to take a trip down there after bass pro is done building in the pyramid.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere

LOL........look at all the states around Georgia that DON'T have a Cabelas. We have a Bass Pro so I guess we'll eventually get one. Who knows??

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Re: Cabelas Goin Up Everywhere


they need one here in NY

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It would be nice...if THEY thought the same way smirk.gif

As it is I geuss I'll just have to keep spending my $1,000+ a year at the Gander Mountain 30 minutes away!

Hey...Maybe we should start a petition for free shipping from their least to states where they dont have a store. tongue.gif

I'm not holding my breath waiting for that to makes too much sense and would open up a bigger market for them smirk.gif

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