Homemade Targets


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Re: Homemade Targets

I make my own sometimes.

My family owns a Mineral Plant (minerals for livestock). We use a lot of 100lbs bags of Rice Hull. They look like the old burlap bags but they are plastic.

We stuff one full with the other left over bags. Run it through the bag sewing machine. Spray paint a few black dots... Baaaam. Target.

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Re: Homemade Targets

I have heard of guys going to their local Tractor Supply store and getting some foam that they have out back in the dumpster. Apparently certain items get shipped to the store and are packed with big pieces of foam and I guess they make great targets and best of all......FREE! Just got to go dumpster diving! Usually the foam is white too so all you have to do is add circles or draw vitals on it. Good luck!

I got a nice Delta Bag target at Dunham's for $14.00 before. I made a stand for it and it stops my arrows easily!

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Re: Homemade Targets

A cardboard box filled with a can or two of "Great Stuff" (spray on expandable foam insulation) works pretty good in a pinch. Makes a good target to just leave at camp or your hunting spot to shoot a few warm-ups before hitting the woods. Even if somebody swipes it, you're only out 5-6 bucks.

I used to wear out a softball-sized hole in my McKenzie deer targets. Spray in a little Great Stuff and then cut it off flush after drying. Hit it with a little brown spray paint (when it dries its a light yellow color) and you're good to go for a couple hundred more shots. Cheaper than a new midsection.

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Guest whitetailarcher

Re: Homemade Targets

I thought about doing that last year, but it seemed to me like making a good one was a lot of work and they never lasted that long anyways. I figures with the cheaper prices of the new foam targets that last a long time I would just buy my own.

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Re: Homemade Targets

When i was younger and there wasnt any black holes of blocks. I used to use a bail of hay and I also used a clay bird box the kind the clay pigiens come in for shooting trap and skeet, i would pack them full of news paper just stacked in there and they would last until the rain got to them. My brother used cardboard layers and strapped them together with a bander that works well also

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Re: Homemade Targets

I have seen someone use layers of old carpet cut into 8' long by 4' wide then drapped over a railing of a 2x4 stand. Kind like an big quilt rack.

I suppose you could nail a 2x4 between trees if you have the tree to do it.

I think they had at least 6 or 7 layers but doubled over the 2x4 rail made it twice as thick.

They left it hang loosely so it would absorb impact.

Then they would just pin a card board pic of a deer or wahtever to shoot at.

Great thing about it is the rain did not damage it like hay or card board and because its hanging loose, it would dry out fairly quickly where a rag target will not at all unless built to prevent rain getting to it.

But then again thats a lot bigger and more expensive.

Used carpet can be had for free if you can find it.

I have also use a burlap sack and grocery store plastic bags stuffed in but thats with a trad bow.

I think a compound would blow right threw mine unless it was really packed hard.


Good Luck!

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Re: Homemade Targets

If you can find a 3ft X 3ft X 1ft box, then see if you can go to a boat factory or a fiberglass shop and ask how much for a few sprays of the high density expanding foam. Works really well for both gun and arrow. Yeah you will blow through with a gun but the deeper the box the better stopping power you will have for arrows.

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Re: Homemade Targets

I've tried building targets with cardboard compressed between some plywood as well as other ideas, they didn't last very long and of course I made the mistake of leaving them outside in the rain. I found it better and less trouble to simply buy the Cabelas block target,,

Good Luck

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Guest jayjaysin

Re: Homemade Targets

I've made mine with good results, but it's not weather resistant. I took a stack of newpapers, maybe 18" - 24" high. Took two ratcheting straps and tightened it up real good. Then take the extra strap and tie them to the other ratchet as a handle. It work great with field points, never tried broadheads. I carry it outside and shoot, then carry it back in.

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Re: Homemade Targets


I've made mine with good results, but it's not weather resistant. I took a stack of newpapers, maybe 18" - 24" high. Took two ratcheting straps and tightened it up real good. Then take the extra strap and tie them to the other ratchet as a handle. It work great with field points, never tried broadheads. I carry it outside and shoot, then carry it back in.

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dumb question....do you shoot in the layered part (between the sheets) or into the front page..LOL..

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Re: Homemade Targets


I have heard of guys going to their local Tractor Supply store and getting some foam that they have out back in the dumpster. Apparently certain items get shipped to the store and are packed with big pieces of foam and I guess they make great targets and best of all......FREE! Just got to go dumpster diving! Usually the foam is white too so all you have to do is add circles or draw vitals on it. Good luck!

I got a nice Delta Bag target at Dunham's for $14.00 before. I made a stand for it and it stops my arrows easily!

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I went to the local Farm & Home (similar to Tractor Supply I think), and they said they had to send all the foam blocks that came between their trailers back. They get reused for the next shipment. I bet the trailers get built fairly close by here so it's cheaper to send them back.

I have bought a few bag targets and just keep rebagging them with soybean seed bags I get for free. I have put two of the bags I bought together and made one big bag. Works great for all the kids shooting.

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Re: Homemade Targets



I've made mine with good results, but it's not weather resistant. I took a stack of newpapers, maybe 18" - 24" high. Took two ratcheting straps and tightened it up real good. Then take the extra strap and tie them to the other ratchet as a handle. It work great with field points, never tried broadheads. I carry it outside and shoot, then carry it back in.

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dumb question....do you shoot in the layered part (between the sheets) or into the front page..LOL..

[/ QUOTE ]you would shoot into the layered part

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Re: Homemade Targets


A cardboard box filled with a can or two of "Great Stuff" (spray on expandable foam insulation) works pretty good in a pinch. Makes a good target to just leave at camp or your hunting spot to shoot a few warm-ups before hitting the woods. Even if somebody swipes it, you're only out 5-6 bucks.

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That is what my best friend does!


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