new wife has issue with hunting

Guest Mcmullin

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Guest Mcmullin

The truth is i haven't been deer hunting since I was 12 years old, but over the years i did do some bird hunting with my buddies, but other that not much hunting.

So we got married and had a little girl. Then I was deployed to Iraq last July. (only a few more months and i will be home:)

While working here in Iraq i was looking for somthing to read and I all I could find were hunting magazines.

So I got sucked back into Hunting. Thats when the subject was brought up. And She can't get why im so obsessed with hunting now. Because her parents are vegans and members of the SERRIA CLUB. So she was brought up not harm animals. But I keep trying to get her to agree to go hunting or even scouting when i get home. She says no and she don't want anything to do with it.

I cant help that it excites me to no end to watch a hunting video or read a magazine article about whitetail.

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Re: new wife has issue with hunting

I suggest marriage counseling! no, just try to explain to her the facts that animals were put on earth for our use, and go thru the overpopulation stats, as well as CWD and explain how hunters actually are helping the deer herd(or whatever else you hunt). Most anti's think that we get some weird primal urge to slaughter huge numbers of helpless animals, and don't understand that the biggest reason that most people hunt is to get out into God's beautiful creation and escape the drudgeries of everyday life. Good luck! And the best way to get her to understand hunting is for her to experience it!

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Re: new wife has issue with hunting

My advice would have been what I told my wife when we started dating. I said "I hunt, I hunt all the time, I've hunted since my dad would let me. I hunt, and I don't see anything keeping me from hunting in the future. I'll never change, it's what I do."

I must say, even though she gets upset at times, and I've gone through more than a few guilt trips, she's pretty good with not saying much when I'm constantly gone from September to January.

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Re: new wife has issue with hunting

Welcome to the forums.

Took my wife a few times before we had kids. Helps that her step father was into hunting, but she knew when we got married that I enjoyed the outdoors. She got hooked when I set her up in a prime spot during the rut during our rifle season after I had already tagged a nice mature 8 pointer during the ml season. She watched a buck chase 2 does around her for about 30 minutes never offering her a shot. Out of breath coming through thhe door my wife tells me "that is what it is all about". I knew she then she was hooked for good.

I have given her the opportunity to go on the opener of the rifle here the past three years now and she has now killed 3 deer one in each of the past three seasons, so she is once again really looking forward to hunting this years opener.

Best advice I know to give you is to attempt to get her involved with the outdoors going scouting with you or give her an opportunity to go with you.

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Re: new wife has issue with hunting

Welcome to Realtree.

You really need to handle it now. The same argument would get old real fast year after year.

There needs to be mutual respect. My wife understands I love to bowhunt and golf, she doesn't mess with either. Just like I don't care how much time or money she spends on gardening and flowers.

Good luck.

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Re: new wife has issue with hunting

My cousin was in the same situation a few years ago.I have been hunting my whole life,so my wife knew when we met that I was a hunter and that's the way it was going to be.He didn't start hunting until after he was married for a few years,and his wife couldn't understand why he was hunting all the time.Eventually she realized it was his "thing" and that he really enjoyed the hunting and being with his family and friends in the great outdoors.Just keep doing it and eventually she'll come around.

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Guest nthewild

Re: new wife has issue with hunting

i would suggest a divorce. no just kidding. but i don't see how this didn't come up before you got married. anywho, i told my girlfriend in the beginning that you won't see me form sept to dec. with a little bit of time, she realized how big of a part of my life that it is and she respects it because i love it. she is ok with it as long as i am eating it. regardless of your wife's thoughts, if she tells you not to hunt, she is not worth having. telling someone to quit something they love and have always done is totally selfish. just my thoughts

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Re: new wife has issue with hunting

You're not going to change her. She's not going to change you. So resolve yourselfs to the fact that you are going to have to accept the things you don't like about each other along with the things you do like.

You can't compromise on everything. If you do both of you end up never getting exactly what you want.

Find another married couple that the husband hunts. Make friends wink.gif

Learn to cook your game. Several different recipes. And I mean really learn it. When you get good enough at it, she'll start looking in the freezer saying "We're almost out of cube steak."

She won't eat it? Invite folks over that will. Cook her chicken. Peer pressure is not always a bad thing. wink.gif

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Re: new wife has issue with hunting

Welcome to the forums.

My wife has always felt the same way about my hunting. She loves deer meat though, which is a plus in my favour.

You have to sit her down and explain to her how much you love to just be out in the woods, sucking in all the sights and sounds of nature, and hoping for that bonus reward of meat in the freezer. Plus explain to her how the hunt is the most thrilling and rewarding past-time that anyone in their right mind could ever be part of. grin.gif,

My wife and I got into a good tiff about hunting a few years back. I got angry, and said..."OK, you win...I will never hunt again...BUT..I will warn you now, I am going to be one miserable husband come hunting season every year. Can you live with that?". She hasn't said a word about it since grin.gif

We've been together for 29 years now. grin.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: new wife has issue with hunting


i say ...youre in trouble bro.....why wasnt this clear'd up before you got married??? did you hunt when you dated or ingaged??

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, that's my question too. smirk.gif

After 9 years of "not understanding" I decided I was gonna try hunting. Just to see what all the fuss was about. It was hard for me to kill a deer that first time, but let me tell ya......I cried a couple of tears and then I could NOT wait to show everybody my first buck.

I've been hooked ever since and now I hunt more than HE does!!!!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

You got your work cut out for you I'm afraid, especially if she's a vegetarian or a "save the whales" kinda girl. But, I guess you shoulda checked all that out before you tied the knot. crazy.gif

Good luck!!!

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Guest Mcmullin

Re: new wife has issue with hunting

The truth is i haven't been deer hunting since I was 12 years old, but over the years i did do some bird hunting with my buddies, but other that not much hunting.

So we got married and had a little girl. Then I was deployed to Iraq last July. (only a few more months and i will be home:)

While working here in Iraq i was looking for somthing to read and I all I could find were hunting magazines.

So I got sucked back into Hunting. Thats when the subject was brought up. And She can't get why im so obsessed with hunting now. Because her parents are vegans and members of the SERRIA CLUB. So she was brought up not harm animals. But I keep trying to get her to agree to go hunting or even scouting when i get home. She says no and she don't want anything to do with it.

I cant help that it excites me to no end to watch a hunting video or read a magazine article about whitetail.

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Guest Andrea

Re: new wife has issue with hunting

So does she have a problem with YOU hunting or the fact that you want her to do it too????

Yeah, if she was raised vegan and all that ( like I mentioned before) then you are gonna have an almost impossible time with this issue. frown.gif

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Re: new wife has issue with hunting

My fiance was skeptical until I slow smoked a bacon wrapped tenderloin from a 1.5 year old doe to perfection. Now she gets mad if I don't kill anything.

My plan for you would be cook her an irresistable venison dinner about a week before season comes in. She'll want more, but tell her thats the last you had in the freezer. Then she'll push you out the door and won't let you come back until you have more. grin.gif

I wish it was that easy. Good luck.

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Guest Mcmullin

Re: new wife has issue with hunting

sorry me and my bad explations. She was raised a vegan but she is not one. Thats the one good thing that i have. I need help convincing her that she needs to go with me and see what is all about. To me its about spending time in the outdoors and taking in sights in sounds. And if i'm lucky i get put some meat on the table. I think its somthing we could really enjoy togther if can get her to go with me.

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Re: new wife has issue with hunting

One thing that helped me was although my Girlfriend has relatives that hunt, she never understood why they or I did it. I begged her to come along several times. Finally she said yes, and when three deer trotted right under us and stopped after first light, and her heart pounded out of her chest - then she understood. But don't dare kill anything in front of her if you take her out -- unless of course its a shooter or better wink.gifgrin.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: new wife has issue with hunting


sorry me and my bad explations. She was raised a vegan but she is not one. Thats the one good thing that i have. I need help convincing her that she needs to go with me and see what is all about. To me its about spending time in the outdoors and taking in sights in sounds. And if i'm lucky i get put some meat on the table. I think its somthing we could really enjoy togther if can get her to go with me.

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Well, maybe you should take her to a stand one morning with nothing but a camera. Let her watch the deer. If she never wants to shoot one, maybe she can film them or take pictures. confused.gif

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Re: new wife has issue with hunting

I told mine from the very beginning that she could have a say so in anything I did except hunting. When hunting season comes around I live in the woods on my days off, she said she had no problem with that at all until the first season came around and she didn't see me for 4 months she still gives me a hard time but she knows I could be doing a lot worse things with my spare time.

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Guest outdoor_adventurer

Re: new wife has issue with hunting

my girl friend is kinda the same way but she gets mad when i buy new hunting items. she also gets mad when i go hunting with some buddies, because i spend more time with them then i do with her. we have been dating for over three years. i took her hunting once, (it took me a LONG time to convince her to go) but after she went she tells everyone she went hunting. we didn't even see anything and it was raining. she told me she would go again. make her a deal or something telling her that if she goes once and she still doesn't approve tell her then you will cut back and only go a few times during the week. something man... get on your knees and beg... lol... something i would... hunting is a BIG part of my life and i wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING! good luck talking to her and convincing her... i have faith in you... she will understand!

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Guest stokes21

Re: new wife has issue with hunting

tell her that hunting isnt cruel. go over the overpopulation statistics and then tell her that hunting is animal conservation because by keeping the population in check we are keeping the animals out of peoples yards. By doing this we are actually preserving the animals by making them not go into yards because when they go into yards they eat things they arent supposed to and then people get mad and want to eliminate all of them. hope it helps. LIVE TO HUNT

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