Somewhat successful this past week


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Well guys, here in NY it was tough hunting with snow but we did have snow for one day. I hunted morning and night all week except for Monday and Tuesday before break. Andy and I hunted from stands in the morning and did some drives in the afternoon. He saw a huge buck but had already filled his buck tag and tried pushing it towards me but no luck. On Friday evening I was set up standing on the edge of some woods, looking out into a couple fields but I also could look into the woods. He let me use his shotgun as his has more distance power than mine wink.gif Anyway he was going through this swamp and 3 deer ran into the fields then ran back in the swamp, no shot. A little bit later here comes two young ones through the woods. I get my scope on one and it stops, its back towards me offering only a head shot. At about 70 yards I put the crosshairs on its head and BOOM! I thought I saw a tail go down but wasn't sure until I walked over and sure enough it was dead in its tracks! It was a little button buck but those are the best tasting grin.gif On Saturday though was the bummer. We chased a spike out of the woods into some other woods. I got into another stand and Andy worked the woods below me. Here comes the spike at about 35 yards and I shoot and hit it but Andy thinks I hit it low, in the leg. All we could find was a chunk of bone and hair and 2 drops of blood, that was it! This is the same area that I hit that deer bow hunting and couldn't find it and where I hit a bug buck in the leg my first year of hunting and couldn't find it. I'm telling you, this swamp has a curse or something! confused.gifsmirk.gif Anyway I am back to classes, sadly, but I will get out again and I just heard we are getting some snow this week, yay! Man I ope to see that big buck though. I'll get some pics of my little one up soon. Good luck to the rest of you!

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Re: Somewhat successful this past week


Forget the curse theory you need to practice more, A LOT more with your weapons. You have wounded and lost more deer this year than I have in 22 years of deer hunting.

We hunt in Madison County. I wasn't able to start hunting till Wed. and I got a spike.

Hope you have better luck and practice much more.


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Re: Somewhat successful this past week

Thanks for the congrats by the way mad.gifconfused.gif Obviously you guys must think I am a qick to shoot careless hunter but I am not. Opening day I had 3 deer go right past me, 2 I would have had good shotso n but one was running and the other I didn't want to shoot in the neck through the trees. Whereas later that same day the neighbors surrounded the fields and were shooting at deer flying across the fields and they don't even have scopes on their guns. I hit that deer low because I didn't compensate for the angle of the shot, being up in a tree I needed to aim higher than I did.

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Re: Somewhat successful this past week


You are to congratulated for the deer you passed on however your own words show carelessness. A deers head is a VERY small target and shooting with a shotgun at 80 yards is a shot that many responsible hunters would never take. On one occasion years ago I saw a deer run by me with it's jaw hanging from it's mouth, obviously shot off. Another occasion I found a lower jaw of a deer that was shot off. Try to imagine how you would feel if you had done this to your deer. Did you learn to take head shots in hunter safety? Of course not, because it's irresponsible. Sure you let a few deer pass by but you need to let hundreds pass by before the right shot appears. You owe that to the deer. Be patient and wait for the broadside shot. Sorry if this makes you mad but it's the truth.


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Re: Somewhat successful this past week

Ranger, if you spend anytime in the rifle room talking to some of our western friends, head shots are all they take, Why?? because if you miss on a head shot 99% of the time its going to be a clean miss, a body shot there is alot of room to miss back there, and still have a wounded deer. A good head shot is a dead dead deer, no chasing it around all over the place.

You can practice all you want but shooting at a foam target is nothing for woods skill, i can place an arrow in a 6" circle at 50 yards everytime with my bow, does that mean i can take 50 yard shots at deer, no.

Buck/deer fever is somthign that only deer and lots of them can cure, i agree TG has woundced some deer, but for someone who only has two or three years under her belt, id be willing to bet practice isnt the problem. Ive hunted deer for 11 years now i still get the shakes when the first DOE of the season offers me a shot, through time in the woods you eventually get to the point where you can ignore the shakes when you draw the bow back, everything gets blurry except target and form. The only way to get to that point is experiance.

TG keep it up, just remember when it comes time to drop the hammer, the hard part is over you have the deer where you want it, from then on out if your well practised it should be all instinct/routine

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Re: Somewhat successful this past week

T-girl--congrats on the little buck but I will chime in. I have to agree with some of the others that head shots (IMHO) are just not a good shot to take. Like others have said the chance of shooting the lower jaw off is just too great and to think of the suffering a deer would go through---just not a shot I would take. I am sorry about the wounded buck--to see bone I would have to agree it was probably a leg shot.


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