Recommendations for gun safe/vault


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I'm getting ready to move and will be able to buy my first gun safe soon.

I was wondering if there are any brands that you would, or would not, recommend? Any specific features I should look for as must-haves?

All other things being equal, I'll probably buy this at Bass Pro since we have one very close to our new house and I would get reward points for the purchase. Because of that, I'm looking at Redhead and Browning safes particularly closely, but would be willing to buy elsewhere if the features and price were right.

Also, I want to keep documents and data backups in there, too, as a sort of poor man's safety deposit box. I know I need a decent fire rating for that, but I'm not sure what "decent" would be in this case. Any suggestions on that would be appreciated, too.

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Re: Recommendations for gun safe/vault

I have a Liberty. Got it for $800 I think. 1300 degree fire lined, holds 10 guns I think with a rack of shelves on the left for storing important docs and such.

I'd recommend a Liberty. Browning's are sweet, but I think you're paying a little for the name and looks. I don't know about Redhead, but I dare say they are made by someone else and then they just slap the Redhead name on it.

One thing I've noticed about safes in general--you can't buy one big enough. grin.gif

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Re: Recommendations for gun safe/vault

First...there are alot of good safe co. out there.

I personally looked at 1. internal hinges (almost all have that now). 2. Fire smaller safe (Liberty) has a double fire liner and my big safe (Champion/Liberty) only has a reg. fire liner. 3. Look at warranty's and what the co. will stand behind incase of fire or break in. 4. Price is always a factor (lets not kid ourselves) however, I looked at it like this...the amount of $ I have invested into safe' a heck of alot less than my guns/jewlery/pictures/and other documents.

After you consider all that...the most important thing that I tell the BIGGEST safe you can fit in your house. You'll fill it up quick!!!!!!!!

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Re: Recommendations for gun safe/vault



...the most important thing that I tell the BIGGEST safe you can fit in your house. You'll fill it up quick!!!!!!!!

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No truer words were ever spoken. wink.gif

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Also look into the Liberty brand safes; I love mine.

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Re: Recommendations for gun safe/vault

I think that in the Fall Hunting Classic ad I got from Bass Pro they had a special on Browning gun safes that when you buy one you get a pistol with it, I didn't pay to much attention to it but I believe it was a .22 and said a $329 value. I don't think the wife has thrown it out yet but she might have. I will try to check it out. And let you know more details if I still have it.

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Re: Recommendations for gun safe/vault

All the reccomendations are right. You pay a lot more for a name. Omega point fire rating is something to look for. That is a fire rating certification. Most home fires do not get hotter than 7-800 degrees and are put out usually within 20 mins or so. So a safe with a 1300 degree rating for 1 hour would be more than enough to protect your important papers and guns.

I always entertained the thought of installing a safe in the house foundation encased in concrete. Some safe companies just sell the door/frame enclosure to cement into the wall like a vault... Secure and fire proof for sure.

I wound up buying a Browning made safe, it was their bottom of the line model "Morgan Fort" 28 gun capacity(gettin VERY tight!).

Look for port(s) to run power into the safe for light and a dehumidifier...MUCHO IMPORTANTE.

Most combo locks have relocking mechanisms, if the dial is tampered with, it locks the safe permanantly. S&G is a good combo lock many safes have them as their locks.

Most have door gaskets that swell with heat, sealing off the safe to outside air and heat. Internal hinges are good. The 3 or 5 spoke wheel handle is nicer compared to the lever type.

also consider finish gonna go in the living room or the garage? If its going in the garage, then you don't need the fancy paint job or mural it adds to the price...., not unless you want to.

Buy the biggest one you could afford.

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Re: Recommendations for gun safe/vault

One other thing I forgot...if you are putting the safe on concrete (basement/garage)...make sure the safe has the capability to be lagged to the floor. Believe it or 800lb safe isn't very hard to move around if you've done it a few times!

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Re: Recommendations for gun safe/vault

Thanks for the suggestions.

I'm hoping to get a safe at Bass Pro while the Fall Hunting Classic is still on (this week at my local store).

I'm skipping over the smaller ones to get a medium sized one (should give me room to grow for a long while). I'm also making sure it has a power port and can be lagged as suggested. They don't carry Liberty, but do have Browning and Redhead branded safes.

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Re: Recommendations for gun safe/vault

Do you have a Gander Mountain near you? They carry Liberty's...just a thought incase you want to compare. Outta the two you mentioned...I'd lean towards the Browning. Don't know...maybe another safe co. like Cannon or Fort Knox makes the Redhead brand...then it maybe worth looking into.

Good luck...and remember ( I know $ plays a role) but get the biggest one you can get in your door!

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Re: Recommendations for gun safe/vault


Good luck...and remember ( I know $ plays a role) but get the biggest one you can get in your door!

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At least get one a size or two bigger than what you thin kyou will need. My next one may need to be a walk in gunsafe. grin.gif

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Re: Recommendations for gun safe/vault

Unfortunately, the closest Gander Mountain to me is 140 miles away. Bass Pro, however, is 1.5 miles away from the new house. That was a selling point. grin.gif

From what I've read online, Redhead safes are made/imported by Pro-Steel Security Products, which also makes at least some Browning safes. Some of the Redhead safes have a Granite manual in them, however; I'm not sure how they're involved.

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