Yankees /Mets fans 2000 world series


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I have some digital pics I took of Joe Torre and Bobby Valentine, being interviewed at Yankee stadium during the 00 World series. If anyone is interested e mail a request and I'll forward the pics. I have many pics from there.

See... I used to work there part time as a electrician for the TV networks and the Yankees for approx 9 years, So I got some GOOD pics and storys too grin.gif Not to mention lots of signed stuff grin.gif

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Re: Yankees /Mets fans 2000 world series



hmm...I think photoshopping a crossbow into Torre's hand would be funny. laugh.gif

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Then you could have him shooting A-Rod with it. laugh.gif

That would make all the Yanks fans happy eh? crazy.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey John, give the Yankee fans credit...he was MVP last year... grin.gif j/k their really are baseballs most ignorant fans aren't they? grin.gif

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Re: Yankees /Mets fans 2000 world series




hmm...I think photoshopping a crossbow into Torre's hand would be funny. laugh.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Then you could have him shooting A-Rod with it. laugh.gif

That would make all the Yanks fans happy eh? crazy.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey John, give the Yankee fans credit...he was MVP last year... grin.gif j/k their really are baseballs most ignorant fans aren't they? grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude, MVP? Psssshhhhh MVP's are SO overrated. That guy can take his 40 HR 130 RBI and .300 BA and go play for Triple A as far as I'm concerned. crazy.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Yankees /Mets fans 2000 world series





hmm...I think photoshopping a crossbow into Torre's hand would be funny. laugh.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Then you could have him shooting A-Rod with it. laugh.gif

That would make all the Yanks fans happy eh? crazy.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey John, give the Yankee fans credit...he was MVP last year... grin.gif j/k their really are baseballs most ignorant fans aren't they? grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Dude, MVP? Psssshhhhh MVP's are SO overrated. That guy can take his 40 HR 130 RBI and .300 BA and go play for Triple A as far as I'm concerned. crazy.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah man...he just doesn't get it done. wink.gif

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Re: Yankees /Mets fans 2000 world series

You know what I just noticed in the torre/valentine pics? Willie Randolph in the back envying the interview...Maybe this year Willie, the Mets are looking good!

They used special bases for this World series. It was billed as a subway series, one could take the train(subway) to and from each stadium. The 4 and the 7 train. It was also the 1st year they used microphones in the bases

(see pic of partner installing batteries in wireless transmitters in bases) at Yankee stadium. I know...I installed 2 of them.

We were working for Fox at the time. They had the WS broadcast rights.

Here are a few pics of them, and one of Mike Piazza batting practice and Jose Canseco during warm ups.





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