I feel so bad!


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So I just got home from a visit over to camp which was a blast. Just came downstairs with my dinner to check Realtree,. I go over to check the laundry on the other side of the basement. I open the door inbetween to two sides and something stops the door for a second then the door opens. There lies a toad I just squished to death with the door; I feel so rotten! I was like "I'm so sorry little guy" and put him outside. And the hard part is we normally have a few toads each year living in our basement. Ugh........ frown.gif

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Re: I feel so bad!

well on the one side of the basement which is where we store wood for the stove and andy has his tools and the mower and stuff, we always have a few toads in there. They don't bother us, we like them anyway, and they take care of the bugs that come in to the light over the washing machine/dryer in the summer.

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