Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!

Guest firestopper

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Guest firestopper

I beleave kentucky allows feeders? I was curious of peoples opinion of them. I kindof feel like it is sortof cheating in some way. Anyway, I would like to here some thought!

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Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!

Welcome to the forums. Really dont think so, and I personally would not hunt over a feeder or form of bait as such, although I do hunt trails going to and from food plots and do hunt where acorns fall.

Tennessee does not allow hunting over feeders or bait, but am pretty sure there are plenty of people around who do. Why else would wal mart continue on stocking and selling "deer corn" on through the season?

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Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!


You should change your name to Firestarter.

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Legal in Texas and widely used. I've got several free choice (meaning the deer can eat as much as they want whenever they want) protein feeders out along with some timed feeders with corn in them. We only run the corn feeders Sep - Feb. The protein we feed year round.

I really like using a corn feeder for does and for culling young bucks with undesirable genetics. It gives you a good opportunity to look over the deer before you shoot. But if you want to take a trophy buck, they're pretty much useless. About the only way a mature buck might come by is during the rut to check out any does that are there. Otherwise, forget about it! They ain't that dumb.

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Guest DesertTrophyHunts

Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!

Nah, its not my cup of tea.I prefer to get out and hunt than sit over a corn flinger and shoot. Just my .02. I know some people like shooting deer at feeders and more power to them.

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Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!



You should change your name to Firestarter.

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Legal in Texas and widely used. I've got several free choice (meaning the deer can eat as much as they want whenever they want) protein feeders out along with some timed feeders with corn in them. We only run the corn feeders Sep - Feb. The protein we feed year round.

I really like using a corn feeder for does and for culling young bucks with undesirable genetics. It gives you a good opportunity to look over the deer before you shoot. But if you want to take a trophy buck, they're pretty much useless. About the only way a mature buck might come by is during the rut to check out any does that are there. Otherwise, forget about it! They ain't that dumb.

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Ya, what he said. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!

I use them so deer will at least cross the property but I really don't like to hunt that close to the feeder.As mentioned above feeders do help in bringing in doe's if you're needing to harvest them.

I don't like to shoot doe's or small bucks anymore crazy.gif I guess I'm getting lazy as I grow older.

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Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!

I've heard from a couple hundred people (mostly on this forum) that the big ones never use them.

i guess if you were just after some meat, it wouldn't be bad. fattens then up, too.

I'd rather do the hard work of creating a small food plot and making trails that pass by my stand. It's more exciting that way.

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Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!

i have no problem with anything that is Legal....baiting, food plots, feeders....if you want to hunt over them and its legal then go for it...if you choose not to then thats fine to...everyyone has there own "ethics" and way that they want to do things.....for me, IMO, hunting over a bait pile is no different then hunting over a food plot...both put there for the same reason.

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Guest nthewild

Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!

hey another one for ky! it is illegal to hunt baited deer in ky. but as for my stand on it; i personally don't like it. i would rather take the time to set my stand up in the perfect spot or stalk one down then to let them come into a candy pile and shoot it.

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Guest hunter101

Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!

i usually out out about half a 5 gallon pail every 2 or three days just to keep the deer moving through our hunting area. i wouldnt say it is bad or anythign just some people ''over use'' them too much. just my own opion

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Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!


Baiting any game animal especially Deer & Wild Turkey is unethical. It should be banned!

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I'm assuming that you, like almost everyone else I know of, do not consider food plots to be baiting. Yet I've never had anyone successfully explain to me the difference between using a free choice feeder and planting a food plot to hunt over. Both are unnatural food sources designed to concentrate game in a certain location. Would you like to explain the difference to me?

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Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!



Baiting any game animal especially Deer & Wild Turkey is unethical. It should be banned!

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I'm assuming that you, like almost everyone else I know of, do not consider food plots to be baiting. Yet I've never had anyone successfully explain to me the difference between using a free choice feeder and planting a food plot to hunt over. Both are unnatural food sources designed to concentrate game in a certain location. Would you like to explain the difference to me?

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I totally agree and in some parts of TX you can forget getting anything to grow because of lack of rain. We set feeders but I normally only hunt my hogs off. Last year I shot a doe off of one. Had my daughter and she was sitting with me. I have no problem with feeders.

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Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!

Texan, one primary difference in food plots and feeders to remember here is that food plots cannot and do not have timers, they are there round the clock and the deer know that. Deer can feed at them at any time day or night and can feed at any part of that plot using different trails to and from them. A feeder can be programmed to feed at specific times and is confined to the location the feeder is set at, unlike a plot which as you are very aware can vary greatly in size. You say free choice feeders, and they may very well be more comparable to a plot than a timed feeder in that the deer can feed at them any time, but in my personal opinion feeders and plots are still not quite the same.

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Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!


Texan, one primary difference in food plots and feeders to remember here is that food plots cannot and do not have timers, they are there round the clock and the deer know that. Deer can feed at them at any time day or night and can feed at any part of that plot using different trails to and from them. A feeder can be programmed to feed at specific times and is confined to the location the feeder is set at, unlike a plot which as you are very aware can vary greatly in size. You say free choice feeders, and they may very well be more comparable to a plot than a timed feeder in that the deer can feed at them any time, but in my personal opinion feeders and plots are still not quite the same.

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And that's the comparison I'm trying to make - a free choice feeder vs. a food plot. Both are available 24 hours a day. If the deer want to hit a feeder at night, the feed will be there for them. If they want to hit it during the day, same thing. Just like a food plot.

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Guest DaveGP

Re: Feeders!!! Ya or Nah!!

i used to think it would be wrong to use a feeder, then i lost the big woods i hunt in and now i hunt in maybe 8 acres of woods on a 30 acre farm, 7 acres on a 17 acre plot, the deer to not stay on the property, i see monster bucks moving all the time in the open being its an urban area, to make things more interesting the neighbor to where i hunt hates hunters and feeds the deer himself, he buys old donuts and old bread from a bakery, he has 25 acres plus abou 40 more behind him that no one can hunt and believe me the deer know it, their timing is predictable even during hunting season if you stand at the fence you see them. i am considering using a feeder just to draw them onto the property, i dont want to hunt over it just have it, the deer dont leave the sanctuary they have once. i walked the other property one time before the leaves fell and both the places i hunt surround the 60 something acres and you can see all the beds and muddy trails the almost end right the the property lines! gotta draw them out somehow!


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