Honesty pays off


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Well the wifes still looking for a nursing job and moneys stretched about the tightest Ive ever seen it this month.Just this morning we had a huge brawl over the checking account and I said some things I shouldnt have.

Constructions been very hit and miss this summer with the price of everything going up people are only doing the neccassary repairs on things.Last week i had to hit the guy I was working for up for a 400$ advance on the steel job we were in the middle of.Its a small town and that type things pretty common with the locals so it wasnt a big deal.

we finished the job and went back this morning to pick up our ladders and give the guy a bill.I was loading the ladders when he came out and asked what the damage was.I told him 1400$ and told him to take out the 400$ advance Id gotten.He wrote the check, I started talking to him and stuck it in my pocket.He has thousands of dollars worth of building repairs and some remodeling he wants done on his house and we discussed it for awhile and i drove off without giving him the bill.At the bank the lady counted the money out, and I went outside before it dawned on me she had counted out 1400$ confused.gif

He hadnt heard me tell him to take the extra 400$ out and had overpaid me that amount.I have to admitt, after the morning I had financially I seriously considered just pocketing the money.He didnt have the bill to look at, and he would never know he overpaid us at that point.Im stretched to the breaking point and have already had my long distance shut off, and got into a payment agreement with the electric company over some delinquint payments.With a week left in this month Im honestly looking to pick up an extra 500$ just to pay the rest of this months bills off.

So anyway, as we were headed back out to give this guy back his 400$ Im thinking i must be nuts.we get there explain it to him about the difference and hand him the money.He pockets it and jokes about it being a good tip, thanks us for bringing it back then takes it back out, gives it to us, and tells us we work to cheap anyway and he will remember this in the future shocked.gifSo I got a 400$ bonus on a 1400$ steel job and thousands of dollars worth of future work lined up, Im close to paying the monthly bills, and when I get home the elevator calls and wants a bid on a huge fertilizer shed roof here in town cool.gifTo top it off the wife is right this minute at a job interview, it will be a LPN job to begin with but when an RN position becomes available she will be in the running for it and the place is currently building a medical clinic/assisted living, building they will have to staff.And Walmart finally called back today to get the last information about the incident we had over there and theyll be settling that with us by the end of the week grin.gifMy day took a definate turn for the better as soon as I took that money back, so I guesse honesty does pay cool.gifcool.gif

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Re: Honesty pays off

glad to hear it horst and honesty is always the best!! you'd have a hard time lookin that man in the eye again if he ever had ya do some more work! where ya from? from one iowan 2 another ya did the right thing thats something to be proud of! i am by ames and sometimes i get a call for a side job i can't handle alone if your close!

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Re: Honesty pays off

Good for you! God sees all and sure has a way of paying you back for misdeeds.

Slow? Construction? ARE YOU NUTS? Move South, the guys down here are so covered up, they refuse anything but the small jobs. No one paints trim any more--has to be the entire house. No more roof patch jobs--has to be the entire house. I have had countless people scheduled to quote me a job, and they don't bother to show up. Prices are sky high and it is nuts. If they do come out, I have had a few not even bother to send me the quote. INSANE.

Move South.

In fact, I can't wait until the interest rates go up and housing starts slow to a crawl. Then these suckers are going to come crawling looking for work and I am going to gut them like a fish.

If I had a business, I would be adding crews left and right to suck up all the business I could while it is there.

Good that things worked out. I would make sure to quote the guy well in the future and he will probably reciprocate in extra work.


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Re: Honesty pays off


Slow? Construction? ARE YOU NUTS? Move South, the guys down here are so covered up, they refuse anything but the small jobs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very true. Plus there's a huge nursing shortage down here. My hospital currently has openings they can't fill for 3 RN's, 5 LVN's, and a Ward Clerk that has to be a RN.

Glad to hear your day is going good!

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