snow days already!!!!

Ravin R10 man

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Re: snow days already!!!!


Only 4 inches and they cancelled school?!?

Up here, it has to snow at least a foot before they'll think about it.......maybe no snow plows down there........ enjoy your extended vacation, KC. Good timing! grin.gifStrange how all the big storms are staying south of us so far

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Heck a 1/4 inch of snow puts everyone in a panic around here! LOL. 4 inches would completely shut down the city!!! grin.gif

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Re: snow days already!!!!

I can remember when we had a blizzard here with two feet of snow, forty to fifty mile per hour winds and temperatures right around zero (approx. -32 Celsius for the Canadians among us) and, the kids still had school. Occasionally they cancel the buses but leave the school open, which seems pretty stupid but at least they do not have to worry about making up the missed days. I just wish they would cancel work once in a while. Enjoy it!

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