Getting a trail cam


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I need help i would like to have the run down on all the cams you have owned. Im not looking at spending the money on a cuddeback since this is my first one but would like to have a nice cam.

Any info will help. Ill show you guys the couple that im looking at so you can tell me what you think of them.


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Re: Getting a trail cam

I'm looking into buying my first as well. But I'm lookng at buying a Moultrie MFH-DGS-100 Game Spy 100 Digital Camera. Its listed as being the 2.1 model. 20 days battery life but may vary with weather conditions. If anyone has one already I wouldn't mind some feedback on this. Is it campitable with Windows 98SE. Email me if possible. [email protected]

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Re: Getting a trail cam

I have had nothing but stealth cams for the last 6 yrs. Had 3 35mm with good luck on all of them and now I have a DIGC-XTRV 3.0 MP which takes alot of good pictures but it has an extremely slow trigger time but I have a lot of salt licks around so this is not a problem for me. Battery life sucks and I had to buy an external 12v battery ($35) and now it lasts a long time. I should have a new model STC-WD2 coming in the next day or so which has 2-3 second trigger speed and it runs on C batteries so Im hoping that will help the life of it. I paid $145 shipped after a $20 rebate. Ill post back after I have it for a few days. I also have a Cuddeback on the way from KTM Mike, so like was said before so you should also check with him.

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Re: Getting a trail cam

i have two 35mm stealth cams that are absolutely great, and a moultrie 100 gamespy 1.3 megapixel. A lot of bad things have been said about moultrie but mine works great!! The trigger time could be faster, it is about three seconds but if it is placed on a food plot or water source it doesn't miss a picture.

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Re: Getting a trail cam


But now which leaf river should i get i know thats what im going to get but which one.

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I went with the model with the viewer screen(dc-2bu). Dont really need the screen, not sure how easy the features are to use on the non viewer screen model though, might ask Mike, he has had both I think.

Really it is up to your preference. The model I have takes some great quality pics, the non viewer screen model is the same camera without the screen. Really for an entry level camera and the price in a commercial camera, it is a great setup. If you wanted to step up to the higher mp camera and spend a little more, you would have the ability to view the pics bigger or print them out bigger or have better quality, but for standard size pics, the dc-2bu is more than good enough for the job.

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Re: Getting a trail cam

The price right now doesnt really matter. Im seeing if my unlce will go in half with me and he will more than likly so the price wont be to bad. Since it will be on his farm.

wtnhunt the viewer screen. I think i saw that one. Ill have to keep reading on them.

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Re: Getting a trail cam

Here is a link with the different models vibrashine. I have the dc-2bu which is the model with the lcd viewer screen. They have a newer model out that is I believe a 6 or 6.3 mp camera, and is supposed to have a faster trigger speed. Cabelas has them in their catalogs and online you could look them up there.

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