Doe and fawns

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I've noticed a pattern with this particular doe. This doe comes around in the yard around 12:30 AM - 1:00 AM and checks everything out.. Then between 6:30 AM - 6:40 AM she brings her twin fawns into the yard.. I think one fawn is a doe and the other is a buck. One fawn walks away from her in the yard and another stays around her the whole time. I think the fawn that stays away is begginning to show his buck independency because after all he'll be chased away once fall comes around.. Anyway, here's the pics:

Momma checking out the situation at night:


And now she brings the fawns:




I know that to tell the buck/doe fawns apart is by the head but I'm not up that early to check it out with the binocs.. So, I'll just have to wait for a good trail cam pic.

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