She's Finally Here.........


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Re: She\'s Finally Here.........

Well, just as I suspected, the mail man was kind enough to bring me my final piece of the puzzle this morning. Now, I must say, I am a little disappointed because the Hardwoods HD camo clad that came with the Doinker really doesn't match the bow all that well, but the Doinker balances this bow out so well, I'll let myself live with it.

So, with that being said, here is the final picture in this on going saga, of my 2006 P&Y slaying mahcine...........


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Re: She\'s Finally Here.........


Hey bud, didn't realize you were a member over here too. How's that Tru Angle treatin' ya lol

[/ QUOTE ]

Been having fun, getting the hang of it. Looks like your's will be getting a workout this fall with your new rig. wink.gif

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Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

Re: She\'s Finally Here.........

nice lookin bow man,,,,, how's it shoot, have never shot a mathews but its on my list of things to do. can't let go of my ol bow tech though...ha

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