How many KY hunters on here

Guest eastky

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How many KY hunters on here and how have you done. I am deerless so far, I noticed last night that the deer where moving early in the evening again so maybe this cold spell, has finally got them moving in the daylight again. Plus the moon is starting to change from the full/new moon which should help the deer movement during the morning and evening instead of at night.

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Re: How many KY hunters on here

While I live in Ga. I hunt in Ky. where I was born and raised. I hunted in the modern firearms season without taking a deer as I did not see the particular deer that I was after. Will try him again in the late muzzle load season. His hoof is 4" long. And yes he was spotted after the season went out. It is absolutely mind boggling at the numbers and size of the deer in Ky. now as it had been 32 yrs. since I last hunted there. Sorry for the rambling. Good Luck to all

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Re: How many KY hunters on here


While I live in Ga. I hunt in Ky. It is absolutely mind boggling at the numbers and size of the deer in Ky. now as it had been 32 yrs.

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Know what you mean! I first started hunting in Ky back in 1973 when the modern gun season was 5 days long and one could only harvest one buck only with forked antlers. Kentucky has really come a long way with their excellent Deer & Turkey Management programs! grin.gif

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Re: How many KY hunters on here

eastky, I am hunting mostly in Rockcastle Co. Occasionly I go with some freinds to Lincoln Co., to a place they refer to as the petting zoo. Lots of deer but not the size.

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