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For all you bench-rest shooters, what do you consider to be an average group size at 100 yards? I realize that it will probably vary depending on what gun you are using, but what group size would you be satisfied with in general?

I just started doing some shooting with my .222, on the sandbags at 100 yards and was looking for something to guage my progression.


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Re: Groups

Pretty broad question as there's quite a difference between a "benchrest shooter" and "someone shooting their rifle from a benchrest".

Benchrest shooters are probably looking for .1"-.2".

A heavy-barreled varminter........I like to see .5"-.6"

My bolt-action sporters.........1"-1.25" makes me fairly happy.

A Pennsylvania deer rifle........anything under 3".

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Re: Groups


1 to 1.5 M.O.A. for Big Game Rifles. For your .222 I would like groupings of .750" or less @ 100 yards.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with this.

Although ever once in a while you will find that caliber that just drives tacks.

My Encore 300 Win Mag hand gun is such a weapon.

I get bullet hole touching bullet hole (3/8"-1/2" MOA)at 100 with it. cool.gif

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Re: Groups

Here are the groups I shot & before hunting season & 1 after the season.

This first group was shot with my 7 mag in Jan at 100 yards. Its sigted in about 1.5 inches high where the lines are drawn above the bullseye. Those were my first 5 shots. The 4 shots at the top are a my fault I was flinching.


The second group is with my .270 last August right before hunting season. Again the first 3 shots were pretty much dead on the money. The one at the top & 2 off to the right were my fault.


This last group is with my 06. I hunt mostly with this gun throughout the season. 2.5 inches high at 100 yards.


I'm not a sharp shooter but I feel very confident with these groups even over 200 yards. These are with factory riles & factory ammo. I guess its about the norm.

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Re: Groups

Ok.....Then I guess as a relative beginner to bench rest shooting, I should consider myself fairly satisfied with my 1" groups. Now all I have to be able to do is to achieve that, or better, every At least it's a starting place.

Benchrest shooting is a lot of fun, and I have been doing some re-loading aimed at super consistancy so I want to see just what this gun and my abilities are capable of. Of course the first task is to get my shooting techniques as flawless as possible. I'm still working on

Thanks a lot for all your input. I feel a bit more confident now.


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