What makes it better??


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I've heard so much about the Mathews Switchback lately, that it's driving me nuts ooo.gif, but only because I'm a dedicated Mathews fan wink.gif

We don't have a bow-shop here any more, so the only bows I see are in the gun-shop, and they are mostly Hoyt.

My question is, "What makes the Switchback better than the Feathermax, SQ2, Classic or any other good Mathews bow from the past?"

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Re: What makes it better??

I'll stick with my OutBack. It's modern yet in my price range and even though it may not have all of the special specs of the XT, it is still quiet, noise free and shock free. It's a matter of personal choice and I think peer pressure is the real key to the popularity of the XT. That and having to keep up with the Jones'. If you gave somebody the first ever Mathew's bow and then the Outback, they'd say it was the greatest bow ever. If you gave then the first ever compound bow and compared it to the that of the recurve, then they'd say it's the greatest bow ever. Same Same. Next years model will be supposedly even better and yet nobody will know why, just that it costs more in home arguments and out of your wallet yet everybody that bought the XT will say that the next years model is even better by a huge margin. Not possible. Most bows today are right on the verge of perfection without being in another category of hunting style.

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Re: What makes it better??

The Switchback might not out shoot one of the older models you mentioned, but it feels better. It's like driving a Corvette and an old junker. They both get you where you need to go, but one is a better ride.

The biggest thing you'll notice about the Switchback is what happens after you release the string. Which is nothing. wink.gif The Switchback has parallel limbs. The others you mentioned don't have limbs as parallel as the Switchback. The limbs flex up and down so they cancel each other out, rather than both flexing away from the shooter. And, like most bows, the newer models are quieter and usually smoother than older models. And in the case of the Switchback, it is pretty fast.

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Re: What makes it better??

Well, as a loyal Mathews man, let me start off by saying that I have owned the SQ2, an Outback and now my Switchback, so I am more than qualified to speak on this subject lol. Now......

Well, I have never owned the XT, but I have shot it. That being said, I owned an Outback and now own the Switchback.

When I sold my SQ2, I was in the market for a new bow last year I compared the Outback and the Switchback side by side as well. When all was said and done I walked away with the Outback because I seemed to like it better for some reason.

Well, time went on, I loved my Outback, but still continued testing Switchbacks and playing with them every chance I got. The more I did that, the more I realized I had made the wrong decision on which bow I liked better. To make a long story short, I just sold my Outback and got a Switchback.

The Switchback is definitely smoother drawing, it's faster, and I believe because of the slightly longer ATA it just hold on target better for me. As I said, one side by side shoot wasn't enough to tell the real story, it took a few different sessions to really bring out the differences, basically because every Mathews is so smooth and feels so good your mind doesn't know what to do at first lol

Now, the XT in my honest opinion is yet another great bow, but it was very "Outbacky" to me. It basically is an Outback on roids lol. 7 fps faster, and a HAIR smoother in drawing, but other than the new dampeners everywhere, I didn't think it was all that different from the Outback I owned.

As I said, I ended up choosing the original Switchback simply because it was the smoothest of the 3, the longest ATA of the 3, and to boot, it's also the fastest. Regardless of which one you choose, you won't go wrong bud.

Now, none of the new bows will kill a deer any deader than an old Mathews, and as for accuracy, a good shooter is a good shooter, plain & simple. That being said, the new breed of Mathews bows (Outback and up) are far smoother, quieter, faster, shock free and vibration free than the old series of bows. To compare them, well, there is no comparison, and if you can make a statement like "noobody knows why they are better", then you simply don't spend enough time around bows.

No disrespect intended at all, but like I said, there is a HUGE difference.

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Re: What makes it better??

2 words Steve.

Harmonic Dampeners...

The newer the Mathews bow is the more they stick on there. LOL

Seriously though.

I think the harmonic dampeners were Mathews premiere invention. It had changed the compound world over night with vibration dampening.

Another 2...

Paraelle Limbs...

The paraelle limb design which cause a bows limb to move directly away and apart from each other. Not swing forward as with more traditional bow shapes/designs.

The forward limb mass creates bow hand shock and the feeling of the bow lurching out of your hand when the string hits brace but the mass still wants to move forward.

The newer Mathews bows eliminate all these negative factors and the "feeling" is a dead quiet vibration bow.

Not having those negative factor can even increase accuracy.

This is my thoughts anyways.....

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Re: What makes it better??

I own a Legacy and just bought a switchback xt. I didnt think they could make a better bow when I got my Legacy, it was smooth and quiet. But when I shot that xt I was amazed on how smooth and quiet this bow is. It is so easy to shoot and it has no vibration. I dont need any string silencers or limbsavers on this bow, its that smooth and quiet. Plus I paid less for the xt than I did for the Legacy.

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Re: What makes it better??

BowJoe said it perfect. However if you take two year jumps you start to notice a difference. I owned a Hoyt, shot my best friends Outback and was convinced thats waht I wanted. Then I shot a switchback and was amazed at the difference. However after owning a switchback I shot the XT and didn't notice much difference at all, However my friend with the outback was blown away and could list the differences he felt.

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