Parker bow question


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Re: Parker bow question


Alot of people like them..... Im sure hutch will chime in later on this one..... he had one blow up one time.....tedicast is correct..... both are totally diff companys........

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I own a Parker Phoenix 34, and love it! But maybe you wont! You need to shoot a bunch of different bows and see which one you like the best! Naturally in your price range! LOL! No, they are not part of the same company. I never heard Hutchies bow blew up on him. I heard of a cam problem he had. But things like this can happen to any bow manufacture! Good luck!

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Guest tyshe17

Re: Parker bow question

I as well shoot a parker phoneix 34...the 2006 model is awesome as well as the single cam frontier and hornet. At least one of the guys working at parker use to work for mathews designing bows, but that is as far as the connections go. They have awesome customer service and provide a great shooting bow. As far as the cam problem that was the difference in 1/1000 of an inch in drilling, and has been completely cleared up in the 2006 line. I have the new cam on my bow, and have been shooting it hard since Jan...everything is great. If you have any questions PM me or just call the guys at Parker they are always willing to help answer questions.

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Re: Parker bow question


Alot of people like them..... Im sure hutch will chime in later on this one..... he had one blow up one time.....tedicast is correct..... both are totally diff companys........

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It didn't blow up. My problem was that the length control module started cutting the string the 2nd day I shot it. I called Parker and they told me to have it reserved that it was normal. So I reserved and immediately it cut that serving that I paid for. After that I called them and they said for me to mail it in on my $$$ and they would check it out, probably about 3-4 weeks before I would get it back. I was done playing. Simply took it back and Bass Pro refunded my money. Had nothing but problems with mine. Personally I think Parker tries to save money and not put the quality products into their bows but still want to charge a premium. The guy at Parker told me the problem was probably the bearings or a bad cam. They put better bearings in the new ones they had so many problems. Personally I am done with Parker, I would rather shoot a Mathews. I can tell you they are still having alot of the same problems still with the Phoenix line. Last time I was at BP I asked Damian if he still had problems with Parkers and his comment was "More than any other bow we sell". He showed me the new problem they are having. Still the length control module. The outer edge is super sharp and does not match up exactly to the cam so it is cutting the string. As far as I know the Phoenix is the only one they are really having problems with. I just wasn't comfortable knowing they were skipping corners on a bow I just paid $600 for.

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Guest nucker

Re: Parker bow question

Had no problems with my Parker, then again I'm not real hung up on the Matthews vs Hoyt vs Ford vs Chevy thing. My Parker was priced right, fits my hand well, shoots well and puts venison sausage in the freezer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dmitchell28

Re: Parker bow question

I own a Parker Ultra lite 31, its about 3 or so years old. I have had lots of luck with it, love the way it shoots, Well shot. Now i have all that out of the way. Just a week ago, i was doing my daily shooting routine, when POW. My good ole parker exploded in my hand. The upper limb came off, hitting me in the wrist. Long story short, scared the Sh!t outta me and some stitches. LOL. Well i gathered everything up and took it to buckhorn, local bow dealer. We decided to try and put it back together. It lasted for about 20 minutes and it exploded again. So, they called parker, made arrangements and they are replacing it with a new one. Rather or not i will be satisfied, should find out this week when it comes back. I have high expectations tho.

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