Am I cursed or what?

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I just do NOT have luck w/ the ladies. I did have a gf this past spring, but we had some issues and broke up after four months and two days. I'm looking for a good Christian girl who has an absolute OBSESSION w/ hunting (and me of course grin.gif ), who's beautiful on the outside and the inside. One who loves me for me. Is that too much to ask? I need some advice, guys. This is depressing. Oh, and Bowtechturkeyhunter? Stay out of this (inside joke). grin.gif HELP!!!!!!!

Dakota smile.gif

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Guest hunter101

Re: Am I cursed or what?

dude your not cursed i ahve been looking for longer and alll the girls around hurr hate me cause i ''kill inocint animals''. butt just wait and you'll get a good one

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Re: Am I cursed or what?

dude finding a girl that hunts is a hard thing alone, then having her be good looking is making even harder. luckily I found a girl that makes a great hunting partner and she is good looking. we have been together for a little over 2 years.

good luck finding a girl


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Re: Am I cursed or what?

No you're not cursed. I'm a 16 year old girl and don't have a boyfriend but I'm not sweating it. Here's a tip- I don't know many girls(besides me grin.gif) who are obsessed w/ hunting already, so if you meet someone you're really interested in, you could be the first to introduce her to it.Good luck. wink.gif

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Re: Am I cursed or what?

exactly Sugar,

both of the girls I dated seriously never hunted, shot guns, or considered it. Guess what I was with them both when they shot their first bucks. Take a girl you like and introduce her to hunting. It'll bring you two really close, and if she don't take the hook then send her on lol smile.gif

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Re: Am I cursed or what?

Way too young to be worrying about that Dakota.

When I was your age I worried about the same things, and actually I considered the priesthood because while I had lots of girl--friends that were friends, none of them really amounted to dating girlfriends if that makes any sense.

Things will happen, don't worry. Seems to me lots of girls want their degree or other priorities straight first, then they look for the lifelong partner. I was the same way once I realized it.

Wait till college, you're gonna' have a blast. cool.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest huntingfinatic

Re: Am I cursed or what?

keep on tryin ... i found one that loves hunting fishing and all the outdoors stuff that i love and she is beautiful... keep on tryin bud

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