arrow advice?


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i shoot 68lbs or so geussing? 29 inch draw. love the carbons. just been buying of the rack cheap(if there is such a thing} carbons. they say carbon wolverine 50-60. i have bow hunted for 6 yrs now,but it has all been self taught on my own thing. i use a whisker biscuit rest. can you get different helical or offset of the rack or do i have to learn how to fletch next? any imput would be great!!

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Guest bowhunter56

Re: arrow advice?

To bow hunt correctly and have success, you have to stop guessing, you need to know the draw weight of your bow, your draw length, to select the right spine arrow, that is if you want to be safe and have good arrow flight, there is alot of excellent information on the internet concerning arrow spine, different types of rest, arrow helical and anything else you want to know. Your question jumps from arrows, to rests to fletching arrows. Try to be more specific about each area, for more precise answers.

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Re: arrow advice?

Well given he said he had been bow hunting thus shooting for 6 years I am sure he has a pretty good idea if he is getting good flight.

Also his bow should have the draw length on so I am confident he knows it as fact. Draw weight can say 70# but could be +/- 2 or 3 pounds but thats not as critical.

The arrows you are using are a bit weak in spine. BUT is you are using a 75g field tip they would be on the line and ok. 100g or more then yes they are to weak.

As for factory fletched arrows. Most I know of are fletched to a medium right offset which is perfect for a Whisker biscut. Helical fletched arrow can be shot off them but its not optimal for that rest.

I do think its is time for a trip to a pro shop in your ar4ea to just have things checked out.

I too started by self taught only and went years that way. I learned I had some things not quite right and once I learned this my shooting got 10x better.

Not only with bow tuning but shooting tips too.

The way I gripped the bow and release, stance, etc.

Plus they will be able to check other things on your bow you may of over looked or not know about.

I suggest a 5575 Gold Tip arrow 1 inch past your rest for a good upgrade start. (or equivalent spined arrow)

Good Luck!

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Re: arrow advice?

that is some advice i like right there,but!!!!!!!! theres always a but ain't there! i went to a pro shop once and it was like they didn't have the time of day for me cause i wasn't shootin one of their name brand bows. i had a pse first then i got the outfitter pl 1.5 from cabelas. love the bow. smooth as silk. if i go to the archery shop anyone with a hoyt or mathews is at the counter for an hour and if i go to the counter i am there 2 min max

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Re: arrow advice?

I hear ya. Been there done that. I moved on to another...

I suggest you try and find another shop near by.

I know thats easier said then done but for your sake and your shooting, you need to.

Heck if I have 3 or 4 in little ole Vermont you should be able to find something. LOL

Good Luck!

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Re: arrow advice?

sad that pro shops have to be that way, mine takes in all kinds, heck, they let me walk in the door!!!

Sad when a pro shop won't help a bowhunter because of what bow he brings in, that right there is a sign of a pro shop in trouble.

Do you have a Gander Mountain or Dick's nearby, sometimes in their archery departments the guys working there are knowledgeable and will treat you with respect.

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Re: arrow advice?

all you need to know is your draw weight and your draw length. any pro shop will do that for you. plus watch what they are doing. then you will know how to do it yourself.

if they try to sell you there arrows listen to what they have to say. most pro shops cant stock everything every customer wants. so they dont like ordering off brands when they have 20 dozen of there brand there.

be poilte and say no thank you and leave. wink.gif

now armed with your draw length and draw weight information you can go to any website like or and find what arrow is correct for your bow or even ask some of us here.

Shoot Strong


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