NY Forum Members Gathering 2004 Outakes!


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Re: NY Forum Members Gathering 2004 Outakes!

Next time Ranger, next time. You know what is sad, those two didn't drink a drop. I think there may be some other factors at work. grin.gif J/K they are two of the nicest guys you would ever meet.

By the way, lots of changes coming to NY next year, southern teir will open for archery October 1st for one. Are we still going to be interested in doing it the same week-end? We better start planning.

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Re: NY Forum Members Gathering 2004 Outakes!


Heck yeah!!! Tradition don't change cause DEC is meesing up our seasons!!!

One BIG change for next year's Smackdown though, and start saving now - Timbo and I have decided that we should all pitch in and get RyanH a plane ticket to join us!!!!

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By RyanH you mean him and a few of his femal aquaintences you were so impressed with don't you? grin.gifblush.gif

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Re: NY Forum Members Gathering 2004 Outakes!

I'm already anxious to go. I will bring my bow and hopefully you guys can get it going for me. I will probably go partridge hunting and drive deer to the rest of you.

I'm camp cook at my hunting camp and I would be willing to be camp cook if you need one (not trying to step on anyones toes if they already have the title)

Dreamin' of Smackdown '05 tongue.gif


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Re: NY Forum Members Gathering 2004 Outakes!

OK, so what happened to the "disco Dan" pic?

Smackdown 2 in the Southern zone might be interesting with the proposed season opener changed to Oct 1st.

I can verify that we lots of deer as we just put #3 in the freezer yesterday - and expect to harvest more for donation.

There is a NEW Wildlife Management Unit at the south end of Honeoye Lake, about an hour from Rochester. We might be able to camp (no showers) and hunt there and I could do some scouting after this deer season as a precursor if there is enough interest. I do not have land of my own, but hunt some large farms where access is not likely to be a problem.


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Re: NY Forum Members Gathering 2004 Outakes!


TIMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I owe you!!! LOL!

[/ QUOTE ]

I swear I had nothing to do with this........other than the fact I sent the pics along in an email to Dan! LOL How was I to know he was going to post them in a matter of minutes!! wink.gif lol (pssst....good job Dan! smile.gif )

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Re: NY Forum Members Gathering 2004 Outakes!

I think it should be held back at Jim's camp if it is still available to us. That place was the best!

It's secluded (peoplel can't hear Dave's scream's for help!!)

We know how to get there!

We know the area a little

Tha Cabin is awesome!

It's centrally located

Lots of room to sleep in comfy beds

Lots of room to shoot 3D

We have to go back to the bar to see if the hat is still there!

Heck, it's a tradition now!


you gotta tune up the crapper!!!!!! Or at least get rid of the lean!

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