Help With European Mount


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I have the skull already bleached and everything is ready to be mounted to the plaque. I was just looking at the under side of the skull and it seems very brittle. How do you attach the skull to a plaque? I don't want to tear up the mount.

If anybody has done this before or just knows what to do, Please help.

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Re: Help With European Mount

Use 1/8" 3" long bolts that have the little collapsable wing nuts on the end, you know like for hanging stuff in sheet rock ect. Drill and counter sink your 1/8" hole through the backside of your panel once you get your skull centered corectly. Drill a hole just below the brain cavity large enough to allow the comperssed wing nut to slide through. Place your bolt through the hole in the panel, screw on the wingnut, compress it and shove it through the hole in the skull then thighten it down snug. Your done, now hang it up.

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