Butch Davis Fired:


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My wish has finally came true! Now for the rest of the season I guess it's coaching by committee. Then we have to go through another three years for the new coach to get his system in place.

At least we'll get a high draft pick, I really hope we pick some stud like Tim Coach wink.gif

Man the life of a Browns fan, hey but it's not all bad. What other team can make you cheer when they actually get a first down grin.gifgrin.gif

Here we go Brownies, Here we go!!!

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Re: Butch Davis Fired:


But for the Brownies sake, its about time they got rid of him.

[/ QUOTE ]

Am I picking up a hint of sympathy BuckBuster!! What's this world coming to grin.gif Enjoy that your team while you can, believe me, it really sucks when the Bengals score 58 on your team frown.gif

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