jfike19- The creator of the Realtree "moron"


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Re: jfike19- The creator of the Realtree \"moron\"



Hahaha. He offered so little, but gave so much.

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In all of my Fruitless years in this place Ive never seen anyone mold so many morons in Two post. That man truly was gifted.

Think about it. Buckee has like a bagillion post and we still make fun of him.

Tominator is lacking a life too (evident by the number of his post) and yet he still lacks any true contribution to the forums, other then an obsessive need to relay the difference between "Thier" and "They're."

Poor William has replied to every post made since his induction and he didn't get the fancy, "Look at me, I post way to much!" cover story on the homepage (oops, that was another jab at buckee).

Yet this poor wayward soul was hoping to get out and meet Bill one day by finding his secret location and in just two simple post he changed an entire forum of people into Morons. Thumbs up Mr. "Ill never post again." If only every small effort yielded great rewards...


Look up the post where Jeramie called Jeff (Texastrophies) Chuck.

I like that one too. grin.gif

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Chris, go crawl in a hole somewhere.... grin.gif

I could have sworn he said his name was Chuck. About 2-years later I have to say, Sorry again Chuck. wink.gif

Sorry, no-good teacher....

I hope you run into the Coffee Table in the dark. grin.gif

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That post was so rife with typos, I think you earned the title of Colossal Moron before you reach the 20K post milestone usually reserved for us real Colossal Morons.



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Re: jfike19- The creator of the Realtree \"moron\"

If a Moron falls in the woods, and there are no morons to hear it..... Does it make a Moron? confused.gif

The legacy this fella left on the forums has now become the stuff of legend. I am only a fawn and have learned greatly from his original contribution to this group. Such wisdom and insite that I have vowed to try his attitude in my own life...

No more Mr. NICE GUY for me.. I've been doing it all wrong. When I want to know the answer to a pressing question for example(and this happens to me, and I'm sure ya'll can relate) "Boss, you're wealthy man, what is the "private" access number to your bank account?" And he responds, Jeff that's private information, and you're not intitled to know.... I won't respond like I used to.... Oh no I've learned it's time for the big guns.... I'll just look him square in the eye and say... I don't need any smart aleck answers, just the information I seek and deserve....... and then the Cou da Gra... "You Moron!!!"

I think this is the best way to go for me and I can't believe I've been so blind for so long... Thank you realtree forums for changing lives for the better... I'll let ya'll know how it works out... grin.gif

I have seen the light, and go out into the world today a changed and stronger man smirk.gif

Thank you Jfike19, where ever you are... Your example still stands like the beacon of brilliance that is you... and your legacy....grin.gif

Moron.. LOL...

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Re: jfike19- The creator of the Realtree \"moron\"



I do have to admit...I kinda miss this moron being in here... crazy.gifgrin.gif


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So do I. I saw his post and it kinda bummed me. Skinny little renegade. Someone go to AT and tell him he sucks.

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Yep, kind of wonder whatever happened to old chicken checker, I mean JB.

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Re: jfike19- The creator of the Realtree \"moron\"

would any of you morons know where Michael Waddel's hunting land is? Anyone? Come on you morons, you should know, your on this site, share this information with me!! grin.gif

Man I remember that deal, he was bold that was for sure! Not like Bill Jordan is not a common name or anthing, that guy had issues, then again we're on here and we know we have issues too! grin.gif

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