.243 Bullets

Guest J_Owens_66

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Guest J_Owens_66

Ok guys, i am currently shooting Sierra Gamekings 100 grain bullets out of my Ruger .243. I am going to try a few different bullets. These will be used on deer, what would yall suggest? I want to try to Swift Scirocco 90 Gains and the Nosler Ballistic Tip 95 Grains and the Hornaday Super ShockTip Bullet in 95 grains and the Nosler/Winchester Silver Tip in 95 grains. Would the 90 and 95 grain bullets work good on deer? AJ, would these bullets work good for deer sized game, and which would u suggest? Thanks

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Re: .243 Bullets

So, I take it you like the polymer tipped bullets huh? The bullets you mentioned will work for deer sized game in the .243 Win. I would limit the shots to behind the shoulder shots using all but the Scirocco. Its designed to open slower than the rest for deeper penetration.

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Guest J_Owens_66

Re: .243 Bullets

So you are saying the Scirocco will be a good deer bullet out of a .243? I like that bullet more than any of them, if you suggest i should try it, then i will buy a box, even though they only come in boxes of 100 for almost 40 bucks mad.gif. Thanks AJ. You said you would limit the shots to behind the shoulder with all the other bullets, but the scirocco opens slower, so what are you saying about this, its a dumb question, but can you give me a little more detail please. Thanks again bud.

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Re: .243 Bullets

The Scirocco is a tapered jacketed bullet which controls the expansion rate allowing it to blossom into a deadly mushroom but not fragment like the Ballistic Tip can. The Ballistic Tip and the SST will expand more violently than the Scirocco. I shoot the Scirocco .30 caliber in my .300 Weatherby Mag. I push it 3350 fps and it does not blow up near as bad as many standard bullets. But it still opens nicely, flys super accurately, and punches a nice hole (but not oversized) in deer.

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Re: .243 Bullets

another bullet you could try if you have a mind too is the barnes x bullets in the old version which is coated or the newer triple shock bullet which both are excellent for slowly opening and retaining a high weight so that would give you two that you might like for the 243 as those are the ones i was looking at when i get my next barrel which will be a 243 for varmits and also for the mrs. so she can hunt as well. good luck to you and aj knows his stuff and is pretty good about leading you the right way. just thought i would throw in another bullet to look at

rob k

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