Your First Buck


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my first buck was an 8pt with a 16in inside spread. I shot him with my DAd's old .243 at about 65 yrds and he dropped on the spot. I was so nervous before the shot that I put my face way to close to the scope and when I shot, the recoil of the rifle busted my eye open with the scope!!! LOL, I didn't even feel it, and by the time I got down from my stand I had blood running down my face. I didn't care then, and I dont care now! I was so pumped!

Thats how my first Buck went. Man, still makes me laugh smile.gif

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Re: Your First Buck

didn't have a working camera when i shot my first buck. it was warm that evening, so i had to butcher it fast. sorry, no pic

my first buck was 1995 i think. november 1st. i had asked a neighbor if i could access his woods by way of his driveway instead of my normal hike. he gave me permission, so i ended up finding a new tree that night. at about 4 p.m. i saw a deer to my left, but it was 50 yards or so away. as it turned out, the deer took a 90 degree left and headed right for my tree. i took the shot when he was right in front of me at 12 yards. he hopped away and stood looking back to where i shot him. within 5 seconds his butt dropped. he stood back up, then crashed down, picked his head up to lick where the arrow hit him and he died like that, with his head up on his ribs. probably died within 10 to 15 seconds. i gutted him in the dark, but i figured i must have hit him in the heart, or pert darn near it.


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