Big Momma!


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So I get my truck started after charging the battery all day, and look what I found on the way back to the house. crazy.gif



I don't know how I didn't see her earlier. This is a whopper of an Argiope.

As I was standing there getting a picture a Japanese Beetle flew into the web. cool.gif I watched her spin the beetle in the silk and went to take a perfect picture of her administering the kill bite, but my batteries went dead. frown.gif

Anyway, here she is with a grasshopper she caught earlier.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Big Momma!

We found one like that one time. Johnny took pure delight in throwing a bunch of grasshoppers in the web at one time and watching the spider go crazy trying to wrap them all. grin.gif ( He's twisted) grin.gif

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Re: Big Momma!

We call them "Zipper Spiders" down here because of their webs. They get HUGE. I have them all over my garden right now. It freaks my wife out... grin.gif

She wanted me to spray and tear down their webs. After I told her it was part of the reason her tomatoes were still intact she decided to let them live. tongue.gif

When I was a kid I use to catch grasshoppers and toss them in the web.

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Re: Big Momma!


how big is that thing????

BLAH.i hate spiders..

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If you look close in the second picture you can see your average sized grasshopper spun up in the silk.

I'd say total diameter, legs included it's probably 3". the big abdomen is probably around an inch. crazy.giftongue.gifcool.gif

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Re: Big Momma!


That there is 12 gauge territory.

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Yes SIR! I am with you there Lou. I normally can handle spiders, but when they start getting close to the 1lbs range, its time to get rid of them. Can you imagine that thing crawling across your foot in the garden while you pickin lettuce for dinner. SHEESH! crazy.gif

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