rotatiller or disc?

Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

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Guest ExtremeSoloDubV

This weekend I will be planting my food plots. My question for yall is which is better to use, a disc or rotatiller b/c we have them both. Just curious as to which yall think is better to use and why. Thanks

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Re: rotatiller or disc?

Like dogdoc says, till unless you have a lot of rocks, especially big rocks. You hit a rack any bigger than a baseball with the tiller and you know it.

Once you till though, you're going to bring up a bunch of weed seed. I'd till, then wait a week or so, and spray any weeds that pop up.

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Re: rotatiller or disc?

I'd say it depends on the size of the plot and whether the tiller is a tractor mounted tiller or just a walk behind. if the plot is decent sized id use the disc unless ther till is tractor mounted. Tractor mounted tillers definately work very well. Walk behind tiller might be a lot of work. Just my opinion.

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Re: rotatiller or disc?


Discing is definantly faster

but the tiller will leave a better surface

disc then till

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i actually think the tiller is quicker--usually b/c after one pass the soil is ready. with a disc you have to go back over it several times to break up the larger clods.

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Re: rotatiller or disc?



Discing is definantly faster

but the tiller will leave a better surface

disc then till

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i actually think the tiller is quicker--usually b/c after one pass the soil is ready. with a disc you have to go back over it several times to break up the larger clods.

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i agree with my tiller

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Re: rotatiller or disc?



Discing is definantly faster

but the tiller will leave a better surface

disc then till

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i actually think the tiller is quicker--usually b/c after one pass the soil is ready. with a disc you have to go back over it several times to break up the larger clods.

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Have to also agree with Todd here. The tiller will also give you a better seed bed than a disc will.

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Guest 257Roberts

Re: rotatiller or disc?

The key to any plot is preparation. IE having a nice seed bed to inhance germination. Both will get the job done but with a disk on good soil (not new ground) you will have to disk at least two maybe even three times and run over it with a section harrow to get the same results a roto tiller will give you in one slow pass. I have found the best method is a combination. Sort of. Take a good breaking disk like a Turning Plow and plow the plot up. Set it set for a week or two and get a rain on it then come back with the roto tiller and you are done and ready to plant.

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Re: rotatiller or disc?

the tiller would be the way to go! we disc cause we don't have a tractor tiller.. YET ! it prepares the soil better and really grinds up any forage left and mixes it with the soil which is also good for water retention in the early stages of growth

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Re: rotatiller or disc?

I have done both. I prefer the tiller by far. You seem to travel slower, but the job gets done faster. Go slowly so the tiller really turns the soil up. You can go too fast and the job looks good, but you won't really have penetrated enough for good root establishment.

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